Chapter 16 Intro

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All the boys arrive at the field and as Mr. Chan was about to pick two teams a bunch of girls came over spearheaded by Kim.

Mr. Chan frowns looking annoyed and ask "shouldn't you girls be doing PE with Mss. Blossom.

"Yes we should, but Mss. Blossom didn't come to class today unfortunately" replied the smiling Kim.

"In all my years of teaching at this school that woman never misses a class, your not lying to skip class are you girl".

"Of course not I would never lie to a teacher" she said sheepishly and her minions behind her who seem to be dressed in a pink top and  short white shorts exactly like their master backs her up.

"Fine girls just take a seat and watch the boys for now.

"Will do Mr. Chan" the girls all walke to the seats to watch the boys play.

"Nina where's my umbrella" "Here my queen" replied a short frail looking girl with braces who opened an umbrella over Kim's head.

"Ashly my fan!" "Yes my queen" replied another girl who started to fan Her".

Down on the field Mr. Chan was picking the teams, James and Thomas was on the same team and Fin on the next.

"It seems a student is absent so we'll have to play eight vs seven today.

As Mr. Chan closes his book with the names another guy runs on to the field. He was tall and slender with pale skin and had short spiky hair his body also had several tattoos some of art work but most of them were of names scribbled with a blood red ink and his ears were pierce.

Mr. Chan opens back his book "so your Jon Simons" The guy hesitates then replies "yes that's me Jon Simons"

"Your name certainly doesn't match your appearance... anyway just go on that team who has the seven players".

He joggs his way to Fin's team who was huddle up planning how the team would set up. Even though he had just arrive he instantly takes over the team,

"guys who wants to be the goal keeper?. "I'll do it replied a random guy and it went on until he asks Fin what he wants to do.

"I just want to win" He smiles at Fin "Okay then me and you will be the attackers, Let go show them who's boss guys. One two three go team!!"

.......all seven others look at him with a awkward smile. "What don't you guy do that?"

James and his team had already been set up with James playing in the mid field and Thomas being the only attacker.

"You guys have thirty minuets " Mr. Chan yelled and blow his whistle. James team kick off the ball and almost instantly Thomas dribbles through the field bounding away every one in his path and scores a goal then ran to celebrate with his team.

"Come on guys we cant let them score so easily. Why are these kids so trash."

before the game begin again Jon calls Fin to talk " You seem like a good runner, just run into the box and I'll pass it to you okay".

"Okay, what's your name again" He laughs "Jon Simons seem kind of lame just call me Hunter" He replied While smiling cheekily which almost creeped Fin out .

The team kick off the ball and Fin did as he was told and ran into the box .

Hunter got the ball from a team mate and was tackled by Thomas but even though Thomas was twice his size and all muscles he easily used his shoulders to shove off Thomas and kicks the ball several yards to Fin who easily kicks it into the goal.

"Wow that was impressive some more of that and we'll win" said Fin. Hunter only smiles back. The game went back and forth as one team score so would the other.

On the sidelines Kim and her minions were watching, she chaires every time James touch the ball even though he was probably the worst player on the field and even though he noticed her he hardly pay her any attention.

Fin on the other hand kept Waving at the girls all though their attention weren't directed to him.

The game was five to five and time was running out. "Fin!!" Hunter calls and he runs over "What is it" said Fin out of breath.

"The game's almost over so the next time you get the ball pass it to me got it"

This time Hunter was all serious. Little after that Fin easily tackles James and gets the ball and dribbles down the field and passes to Hunter who was on the edge of the box.

He kicks it as it reach his foot and the ball slamms against the goal post.

The goal keeper look shocked out of his life as the ball hit with the force of a moving truck. right after that Mr. Chan blows the whistle.

Fin walk over to Hunter and puts his hand on his shoulder, he was staring at the ground angry but upon Fin's arrival he instantly hides the anger.

"Good game mate too bad we didn't win, it was fun though."

"Yeah it was" Hunter looks at Fin and sees that he was looking somewhere and turns to see what he was looking at.  It was Cat and Sky walking to the Cafeteria.

Hunter's face instantly bend growing several Wrinkles on his fourhead his face turning cold and menacing.

Fin didn't see any of this.

"I'll see you around Fin" he said walking off the field "hey we have to go the Mr. Chan first.

"Tell him I have to take a shit"

"That guy is weird" said Fin to himself.

He runs back over to the rest of the students and Mr. Chan". while on the side lines Kim and her minions were join by her brother Kyle.

"Girls go get me some lunch I have to talk to my brother" she said with a cherry smile "Yes my queen" they all replied like zombies.

"You need to leave those poor girls alone sis" "in dew time brother" Kim looks at the goal post that Hunter kicked the ball against earlier.

"So you saw it too sis" "yes I did he's definitely not human" the goal post they were referring to hand a huge dent in it that was a result of the ball hitting against it.

"Enough of that brother, did you see my James perform wasn't he amazing"

"He looked like a horny penguin" Kyle said in his mind.

On the field Mr. Chan dismisses the class and sent the boys to shower and go for lunch. "That was a good game Fin you should join the soccer team I'll put in a good word for you"

"I'll think about it and let you know" "what about me" Asked James puffing up his face.

"No offence James but you have two left feet" Fin tries not to laugh but failes and even James chuckles.

"That guy with the tattoos was good too" "Yeah Jon Simons" added Fin

"Actually guys that wasn't Jon Simons" said James. "What do you mean that's what he said his name was"

"Yes but the Jon Simons that should be in our class is a chubby dude with no tattoos I had history with him yesterday but he didn't come to class today."

"So who was that guy?"


"Photo by Lindsay E. Durant"

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