Chapter 25 Fin and Kim

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   A day past and things seem to be normal for a change. Fin was at his Math Class and sat waiting on the teacher that never arrived.

   The students all sit there chatting amongst them self almost ready to call it quits as it was a half an hour since the class should have started.

   Right as some students were about to leave someone walk into the class but it wasn't the professor rather it was Kim walking in with a cheery smile almost skipping and for once she was alone.

   Her entrance made the class fall silent. "Sorry guys but I'm hear to inform you that Mr. Saltzman won't be attending class today so you can all go."

   The student were overjoy and get up to leave instantly "Sweet no class" "God she's hot" "I wonder why Mr. Saltzman couldn't make it."

   Were some of the reactions.

"Hey is Mr. Saltzman okay?" said a girl to Kim.

   She smiles and reply "Go in the hallway  and scream Carona is real.

  "Okay"  replied  the girl with a dead expression and walk out the class.

   "You !!" Called Kim to Fin who was also walking out the class.

"Come here" she said in an almost demanding tone. Fin not knowing any better walks over.

"You summoned me your majesty" he said with a sarcastic bow,

"Charming, she said sarcastically "what's your name?"

  He gave a cheeky smile "I'm the great Fin ballot you probably heard of me"

"Riiiiiight well Fin, there is something I need you to do for me"

"If I didn't know any better I'd think you came to this class just for me".

"Mabey," She walks closer and stares into his eyes "Fin I want you to do everything I say".

  "Okay" he replied with a black expression

"Good, I want you to slap yourself"

He playfully gives himself a small slap in the face and smiles.  "Is that all" he said leaning in inches from her face which she reacts to by putting her finger on his lips.

"I want you to do every thing in your power to Make James mine" Fin pulls back and sighs.

"So that's what this is about , what am I not good enough?"

"Why is he questioning me is my compulsion not working" she said in her head.

"Fine I'm not sure your his type but I'll try, can I leave now your highness"  he said with a pissed expression.

"Sure you can go we'll talk soon".

"Dammit James why do you keep getting the hot ones, you and your dumb prefect hair."

"You'll be mine soon enough my dear James you and your gorgeous hair." said Kim blushing and giggling in the class like a maniac by her self.

Mr. Saltzman Finally arrive at the class. "Sorry I'm late guys it was an emergency, wait a minute where are my students!!"

   "Sorry Professor they all left" said Kim walking pass the confused professor.

In the hall way

"Carona Virus  its real!!!  Carona Virus  its real!!!!"


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