Chapter 22 The witch and the wolf 2

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   With Fin's arm over her  shoulder Clear drags him through the empty hallway while complaining along the way.

   "Why'd I have to get stock carrying this guy.  He's so dam heavy and what's with all these muscles.  She sighs " I should just drop him right now I doubt no one will ever find out"

   She pauses a bit then continues complaining. "Damm that butt face professor couldn't he just have someone else do this or better yet take his lazy ass and do it himself.

   " I wonder if I could use magic to help me carry him, naaa too risky I can't exactly let the whole school know I'm a witch now can I.  And of all the people in the world it had to be him.

   I said the next time I saw you I would kick your ass maybe I should just do it now so what if your unconscious.

   Hey did I just get stronger or did you just get lighter?"

Clear looks down and saw Fin's feet moving on their own , her face gets white then  pink then red and her hearth skippms ten beats and she had a small panic attack.

   She looks up to the side and sees Fin's exquisite ash grey eyes that rival the beauty of the moon itself.  They met with her safire green purls.  He has a black expression staring at her. "What are you doing?" Said he which made her drop him instantly.

   Fin who lost his balance at her sudden retreat falls. "awwch how about a warning next time." he said brushing him self off.

   "How long were you awake you bastard" She said with her face still red"

   "What happened, how did I get here don't tell me I fell a sleep in the hallway again?"

   "Don't dodge the question I said how long were you awake?" she repeats this time getting serious.

   "Why are you getting so serious I just woke up."

"Good" she said letting out an internal sigh. And for your information Mr. Tekka told me to carry you to the nurses office so now that your awake you can go there your self I'm leaving" she said turning away.

   "Hey!! wait I'm still a bit woozy so I might fall or something and I don't think the Professor would like that."

   "So what that's not my problem" she said walking even further ."Come on what are you afraid of me or something?"

   She stops instantly "afraid of him, no way I'm not scared of anything, not even if he has some dam monster inside him" she said to her self puffing her cheeks.

   "Of course I'm not afraid of you".

  "Then help me out, can't you see I'm in pain" said Fin dramatically holding his head his back and everywhere he could think off .

   "Fine but I'm not carrying you" He smiles in victory and starts walking beside her.

   "I'm Fin by the way" he said awaiting her to give her name as well but she didn't. "And you are?"

   "I don't think you need to know that" Clear replied rudely .

"Dam it why am I shaking could I really be afraid of him dam it ".

   "Look it would make things a whole lot easier if I knew your name" he said persisting until she sighs in return and reply,"My name is Clear happy now?"

He smiles "very.  Hey can you wait a minute I have to use the bathroom over there" he said pointing to the boys bathroom a few steps away.

   "Are you serious can't you just hold it until I leave I'm late for class and I don't have time for this" her voice was a mixture anger and embarrassment.

  " It will only take a seconds" by he finished his sentence he was already inside.

after a moment

   "Awwww!!!!" .

"What was that?"

"Clear help!!

   "Dam it, is he serious I'm not going in there."

   After a moment of silence she began worrying. "What if he collapsed again or had a asthma attack or worst catch blue balls.

::PS she doesn't know much about those stuff, once back when she was in her village a guy told her he had blue balls and she thought it was an headache and she still does::

   She began walking to the door. "But he could also be tricking me to get revenge for what I did to him on orientation."

   Her head was going back and forth until Fin's words play back in her head "are you afraid of me."

   She puffs  her cheeks and step inside "what happen did you fall in the tiolet of something?.

   As soon as she walk inside Fin put his hand over her mouth and gently pushes her against a wall out of sight from anyone who could be passing by.

   "Look Clear I know how this must look but its the only way I think I can get your attention. I have some question and your going to answer me okay"

   When he said this it was not menacingly rather he said it calmly and she didn't panic she was completely calm.

   "Okay I'm going to remove my hand now okay".  She nods and Fin slowly removes his hands off her and as soon as he did.

  "You messed with the wrong girl you bastard!" she said blasting him with a huge shattering gulf of air from her hand.

   Fin crashes agains the wall to the far end of the bathroom. "awwch, caugh caugh"

   "Get up!! not only did you trick me into coming in this smelly bathroom you dare put your hand on my mouth no man has ever done that to me, you.. you pig"
  She was angry and it was obvious her hair was blowing all around because of the air she was manipulating around her.  The air almost forms a sparkling sky blue coat around her that reflects the white lights of the bathroom mixed with the sky blue of her magical prowess. She looks like a Devine creature.

   "Haa haa haa, I knew I heard you say you were a witch, I can't believe what I'm seeing, a real life witch."

His face had a electrifying grin on it .  "Hey can you do that thing with the wind again" he said smiling giddily.

   She uses her magic to slam the bathroom door shut and push Him against the wall with so much air force he couldn't move an inch.

  He was trap and she had complete power over him and not just with her magical prowess.  He looks at her magical form with what seen to be more than just admiration.  He was entranced and intoxicated  by her beauty.

   "You said you didn't hear anything you bastard now I'm afraid I may have to kill you

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   "You said you didn't hear anything you bastard now I'm afraid I may have to kill you.


"photo by ganzarolisara and Kellepics

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