Chapter 41 really doing this

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An hour earlier.

Cat Sky and James Finally reaches back at the Campus gate where they met with Ms. Parker Sky's sister and discuss what happened.  "That sick bastard needs to go down", Said Ms Parker folding her arms in her black leather jacket.   "I hate to say this but we may need to ask for his help Sky we can't beat Hunter like this and the only other way for you to you know but we cant force you to do that.

"I'd rather die I'm not asking that asshole Ace for help he may be our cousin but he's one of the seven cards and I want all of them dead."  Sky replied walking pass her sister with a straight determine face.

   After that the three starts walking to the dormitory. "James you need to go to the nurse to get those bruises looked at" said Cat.

"Yeah that's the plan but I need a shower first, I don't think I could live if the nurse tells me I smell". She chuckles

"Hey Sky can you help me cut the rest of my hair?" "You know you can just go to a barber right?"

"Yeah but I rather you do it".

"Fine I guess just come to our room later", "actually can we do it now if Fin see's me like this I won't hear the end of it".

She sighs "I guess". the three go to Sky and Cat's room, Cat takes a small scissors of her draw and gave it to Sky.

"I'll do my best to make it look presentable".  He nods and she begins. She slowly and skillfully uses the scissors to cut away all the uneven hairs which made it look like an actual haircut.  His handsome face was bruised all over and his golden locks was  gone but not even that could prevent  him from looking beautiful.

While doing this she kept thinking about Hunter and him catching her or worst hurting Cat and her sister.

She stops the cutting "Hey Cat come here for a second". "what is I've been thinking and what if what Fin said is right and it's that simple for me get rid of Hunter".

"Please don't tell me your actually considering that, you don't have to force your self to do that we will find away to beat him."

"Cat he has more than twenty werewolves with him we can't win like this. I have to awaken my power then at the very least he won't get what he want".

If I just get laid tonight then he won't be able to get the power of The Original wolf even if he kills me".

"But what if he still kills you, he won't exactly be please with what you did. And even if your awaken do you think you can take all of them."

"Please Cat I've already made up my mind." Cat shakes her head in defeat.

" Fine, but with who?"

Sky lookes across the room at James who was sitting on the bed across the room waiting for the rest of his hair to be done

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"Photo by pixel2013"

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