Chapter 19 Magic

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   Over at the dorms a girl was in her room, she dialed a number on her phone for a video call and stands in front of the mirror.

   She was short and curvy though she wore loose clothes that hid it.  She had medium length curly hair with the lower half dyed in blonde her lips were plump and full. She had a cool white complexion and her face hosted eyes that resemble green safire crystals.   She was in all way beautiful.

  It was the same girl that freaked out when she touched Fin's hand on orientation day and later did something to knock him out cold in the hallway.

   The phone answeres, "Hey mom" "hello Clear what happened you miss home already"

   "what can't a girl just check up on her mom " she replied smiling.

   "Well thank you hun but I'm the one who should be checking up on you your the one at some fancy college, so how's the first few days been" she asked with a happy tone with a hint on concern.

   Its okay mom the campus is amazing and it has like a million bathrooms much better than what we have in our little deadbeat town."

   "Come on hun our town is not that bad sure its not as fancy as that school but we get by.

   So have you been practicing?"

"Its hard to find a private place here mom my roommate is always around so I can't get the chance to practice."

   "Is she here now" "No it's lunch time I just came to my dorm so I could call you".

   "Why don't you show me the spell I thought you before you went off" Clear's face lit up with excitement .

   "I was hoping you'd ask".  She place the phone on a small table in a position where it could stand and where her mom could see clearly.

   "You ready mom" "go for it baby". Clear closes her eyes and held out her right hand and whispers "Aires" and the wind around her starts swirling almost gracefully dancing around her.  It was enough that the shelfs in the room  were shaking and many small items began to flout about. After a moment the air that was dancing around Her concentrates in her palm in a ball of wind which was constantly swirling around.  It was a beautiful ball of air that was glowing a faint blue as the wind mixes with her magical prowess.

   "That's great honey but you still have along way to go" while she said this it was plain as day how proud her mother was of her.

   "So what do you plan on doing with that spell?"

  "I normally just use it to blow dry my hair or cool my tea but I'm thinking if someone messes with me I can use it to beat them up" she replied with an arrogant grin on her face.

   Her mom sighs "you've come a long way, when I was your age I wasn't even half as good as you .Having strong magic means your extremely loved by nature but even so you have to keep practicing"

    "I know mom I love practicing my spells I just wish I had my own room, do you know any spells to get rid of a roommate".

   Her mom only laughs, "why don't you just befriend her, or do you still don't like to talk to people."

    "Its not like I don't like people it's more like people don't get me you know.

   Speaking of people their was this guy that I saw at orientation he sat beside me and,

   "Auuwww don't tell me my little Clear finally got a boyfriend" Said her mom taunting her with a cheeky smile.

   "No mom when he touched my hand I felt something, well more like I felt a presence."

   Her mom instantly got serious, "What exactly did it feel like.

   "I'm not sure but I remember seeing something staring at me it had red eyes and it scared the crap out of me.   And you know I'm not afraid of anything"

"I know I don't think I've ever seen you scared before" .

   "Its not only that mom a little after that he tried to asked me why I react the way I did and I sort of knocked him out" she said with a sheepish smile looking to the side

    "You did what!!" are you insane girl what if he tries to get revenge, what if that thing you saw was something strong I know your strong too but".

   "Don't worry mom he went down easy I don't think even he knows what that thing in him was"

   "Your grandma always told me stories about other supernatural creatures but I never actually met one before I've only met witches and most of them haven't seen another supernatural creature either."

   "Don't worry mom I was just scared because he caught me off guard but I'm sure I could kick his ass if he come back to bother me."

   Her mother though worried had complete faith in her and for good reason.   Her mom knew allot of witches and non was as gifted as Clear not even her grandmother who was leader of a witches coven.

   "But if you feel in danger make sure you come home I only sent you to Rossings because it seemed safe, well and I heard the campus was amazing".

   The two continue talking for a bit then Clear hung up and decides to go to the Cafeteria to get lunch.


"Photo by Yuri_B "

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