Chapter 20 Should I worry

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   Back at the Cafeteria Fin was stunned by what he'd heard. "Wait did you say Hunter"

"Yes what are you deft" said Sky

    "What is it Fin do you know something?" asked Cat looking curious.

   "I'm not sure but Just awhile ago in PE their was this guy who was pretending to be some guy named Jon Simons he Had tattoos' of a lot of names on him and he told me to call him Hunter, I didn't really think anything of it I though he was just bored so he pretended to be someone else for some fun"

   Sky signs "who does that when their bored?"

"You should see the things I do when I'm bored" he replied shrugging  his shoulders.

   The air went silent for about  a minute "You don't think it could really be him right Sky?"

    "I'm not sure but how many people would do that except that sick bastard" she said getting in rage and her wolf eyes were beginning to show.

   "Calm down Sky, we need to start being carful especially now that he knows exactly where we are"

"I know, I want to kill that bastard".

   "When I saw him he didn't seem as bad as you guys say he Is , he actually seemed kind of cool" said Fin.

   "He's the very opposite of cool Fin you know why he got the name hunter, because he loved to send his pack to hunt down people"

   Fin sighes "its just one bad guy after the other".

The table went quiet for a while again as everyone was thinking . And soon after James finally return with the food"

   "I just got you a burger and a soda same as me".

"Dammit James I told you no soda you had one job"

James looks and See's that Fin had no intention of getting up and that he had to sit in the seat face to face with Sky.

   He hesitates and seem to be uncomfortable which Fin though was unlike him.

  " What are you doing James sit down" he sits and turn his head to Fin to avoid looking directly at Sky who was looking straight ahead deep in though.

   Cat See's the awkwardness and speeks. "So aren't you going to introduce your Friend Fin?" she asked smiling almost as if she forgot the earlier conversation.

   "Oh right James, this Gorgeous sunflower in front of me is Cat and you've already met Sky, Girls this Is my best Friend James and yes I'm the charming one." James glares at him.

   "Nice to meet you James I hope we all become the best of friends" said Cat

  "Speak for your self" added Sky.

   "She's only kidding guys" said Cat "No I'm not" "Yes you are"

The two went back and fourth with Cat being playful and Sky trying to be serious but failing.

   James sits and watch them with a mixture of admiration and lust she was after all the goddess that saved him from dying from germs.

   After about fifteen minutes they all get up to leave.  When they exit the door Clear was walking towards them.

  When she sees Fin she hesitates for a while being a little unsure but she puffs her cheeks and walk boldly towards them who were in her path.

   "Hey Fin isn't that the girl?"

  "who my baby momma?"

   They look at Clear who was boldly walking in their direction but when Fin made eye contact with her, her boldness fades and she dashes past them and run into the Cafeteria.  She was out of breath when she reaches inside.

   "Dammit why did I run from him" she said stomping the ground like a child getting her bravery back. "Next time I see him I'm going to beat his ass". She said puffing up her cheeks.

   "What did you do to that poor girl Fin?" asked Sky with them all laughing but Him.

    "I wish I knew maybe she has a crush on me or something"

"Don't flatter yourself" she said in a cheery tone.

   "Well why not have you seen me, some girls just cant resist my dashing looks ,my great accent and my insane love of Talor Swift, right James".

   "Shut up Fin" said James chuckling and playing with his long golden hair .

"I think we'll get along great James" said Sky smiling.

   The girls and the boys separates as they had different classes. on there way to their next class the two boys were chatting.

   "So mate aren't you going to tell me who that one girl you found attractive is?" asked Fin.

    "Your not going to stop bothering me until I tell you aren't you?"

   "Nope" said Fin smiling  cheekily.

"Fine the only girl that really caught my attention since I got here is Sky"

Fin's face turn gloomy almost looking astonished. "Oh Is that so?".

   While at the same time Sky and Cat were talking as well. "So what do you think of James wasn't he like the perfect gentleman?" asked Cat in a cheery tone.

   "I know he's definitely better than most of the guys I've seen since we moved here."

    "Now that we're on the topic what about Fin he's great too not to mentions he is like us and we're as he said the power puff girls" she said laughing.

   "I don't know, he can fight and he's charming in a irritating way I guess, whats with all the questions Cat?" She asked looking away.

"I don't know just curious."

   "We have more important business to attend to Cat like the psycho trying to murder us."

"Yeah I know , you should probably just do what Fin said you know and just get laid"


"Photo by @parkergibbons"

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