Chapter 14 James the target

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   The first day of school is where students establish them selves, their entire school year can be shaped by what a person does on the first day.

  James had already established him self as one of the most popular freshman's This was partly because of Jessica an upper class man who was famous on Instagram, she took a picture with him because they had matching tops.

   He was also attractive and he got into Rossings with the fifth highest grades.

James made a good first impression even though he hardly spoke, He also became the target of admiration from Kim one of the twins, little did he know that that admiration would turn his entire life upside down.

  The two boys get up and prepare for classes like normal college students with the exception of Fin spending forever in the bathroom which annoyed some other students.

  The two walk to the Mapel Grand Hallway of the building that separates the girls section of the dorms from the boys.

There Fin sees Sky walking by with Cat.  Cat was tall and slim her blonde hair was let go and touched her back. Her eyes were like emerald purls founds in the deep Atlantic and her face was as soft as a virgins thigh's.  She wore mostly light colors to match with her girly nature.  Cat was a sight to see but Fin's eyes were captured by Sky. "quit starring at her Fin"

"I'm not staring I'm just looking in that direction" . "She is really pretty though and so clean even I'd stare at her."

  Fin looks at James with curiosity but strugs and then looks away "I guess" . The two walk out the building where they have to separate as they had different class Fin had Biology and James had Literature.

  While walking to class James took out his phone for a bit and as he places it back in his pocket he looks up and was staring in one of the twin face.......Kim's face.

James was startled "You scared me"

"Your name is James right?" "Yeah what do you want I have to get to class like right now"

  Kim ignores his comments and stand beside him almost as if she was measuring him. "Exactly how tall are you" she asks smiling

"Is this like a modeling thing or something" she ignores his comment again and observes his face and body

"you seem athletic enough do you play sports?" she said touching his arms.

"Are you high or something? I can carry you to the nurse if you want"

"No I'm fine just one more question, how big is your d**k.

"I'm gonna leave now said James trying to holding a laugh and walk pass her"

"That was one of the strangest girl I've ever met I think Fin would love her" He lookes back to see her but she was gone,

"Where'd she go" He looks back around and she was right in front of him

"Yes you will do nicely" Kim looks directly into his eyes and says "You'll do everything I say from this moment on" while saying this her eyes change to a dim red barely noticeable.

"What are you talking about" this time James slightly pushes her out his way and continue to class. Kim stood there for a while thinking looking confused when her brother Kyle came up behind her.

"What happened why did he walk away from you?"

"I didn't expect college students to drink coffee, Great now he's going to think I'm weird".

"Don't worry sis it will be out of his system soon then he'll be our little play thing"

"Don't with me you dam flamingo, you mean he'll be my little play thing"

"Your so greedy sis you already have so many little minions running around . Kim smiles Maliciously "I don't care  he's mine"

"Fine whatever But please don't kill this one sis he's cute". He said with a smile to match hers.


"Photo by @parkergibbons"

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