Chapter 24 Evil seduction

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   A few miles from campus Hunter was staying in a rather large house dressed in a fully white suit sipping fancy wine and surrounded by what seem to be his pack. As hunter was sitting in his sofa a guy walks up to him looking timid almost shaking in his boots.

   "So Sam do you have any good news for me? please tell me you captured that dumb slut".

   "No sir I couldn't get the chance she was always surrounded by people so I couldn't exactly walk up and kidnapped her".

   "Why not that's how I got my third wife, right babe?" He said smiling at the tall latino model in a red dress he had his arm around. Her lips were drenched in red lipstick and her body though beautiful was muscular.

  " Last time the only news you gave me was that she was hanging around two guys on campus that James kid and I don't remember the other one."

   "Dam I only told him that because I had nothing to report" Sam said in his head looking terrified.

   "I checked out those guys my self and they just seemed like your average dip shits."

  "I'm sorry Hunter but I need more time"

   "Time time time, speaking of time I heard you went to see your girlfriend before you came back to report to me, is that true Sam?."

  "Well yes sir it was her birthday".

   "Oh I'm sorry Sam I didn't know your girlfriend's birthday is more important than your Alpha.  But then again your girlfriend can you I can't with you, well I doubt you could handle me anyway so I guess I know why you chose her over me."

   "I'm sorry Alpha it won't happen again!".

"Its okay Sam I forgive you" he said with a cheery smile that made Sam sighes in relieve.

   Hunter continues to smile for an unusual amount of time until he clapped his hand. "Guy hold him down"

   Sam's face sank to the floor "Boss I'm sorry!!" Two of Hunter's guys held Sam's arms and restrain him as he continues to beg for mercy.

   "Well Sam I had a new idea of punishment I want to try that is just right for this situation" He said smiling to Sam's despair.

    "Bebe can you be a dol and go take off his pants?" His third wife Carla got up from under his arm and walk over to draw down Sam's pants. "The briefs too hun"

   "Well you failed to report to me because you went home to right, sooooo hey bebe can you do me a favor and take off your top"

   Without even asking why she did as commanded exposing her breast even smiling while doing it.

   "What are you doing boss!!, please just let me go I won't do it again"

   "Shut up Sam!! this is going to be fun, well for me. Guys let him go," The two guys did as commanded

   "Sam the only way I won't kill you is if you touch my Wife's breast."

  "What Alpha I can't " said he terrified trying to look away. "

  "Guys get a knife"

  "Wait wait I'll do it!! I'll do it!!" . One of the guys still carried a butcher knife and gave it to Hunter.

   "Can I at least pull up my pant first sir?" he asked timidly "Of course not now do it!!!"

   Sam having no choice grabs The ladies breast who purposely let out a soft moan, it made Sam even more terrified  it was as if she wanted him to die.

   "You'll have to do better than that Sam or I might still kill you"

   The lady holds his hand and force them onto her chest and licks her lip while staring passionately into Sam's eyes.  She got what she wanted to His ultimate displeasure he got a boner.

   "My my Sam, said Hunter looking down at Sam's Private.

"Here I was joking about you couldn't handle my dick and you have an even bigger dick than me! haa haa haa!! " he was laughing like a maniac and his wife's smirk to match it.

   "Touch it bebe".  The lady grabs it and squeeze, she seem almost amused.

"Mmm your having to much fun now, guys hold him down"

"What but Alpha!! you said!!"

   "Shut the fuck up Sam!!" The guys hold him down. "Babe catch" said he throwing the silver knife to her.

   "You know what to do" She licks her lip and smiles as she uses the knife to take a swing at Sam's dick but misses.

"Oh my how clumsy of me"

She throws  her hand back over her shoulders  and came down again with an even harder slash taking Sam's cock off with one swift cut.

"aaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!" .

   She threw it aside and wiped her hand in a towel provided by one of the guys the went back to Hunter's side.

   "Don't worry Sam It will grow back ....I think. You know I think your my favorite wife bebe" He said then gives her a long sloppy kiss which seems to make two other women across the room jealous.

   "Aaaaaaa"  he cried and rolls around in agony.

"good luck pleasuring your girl now Sam, haaahaaa haa. Hey guys  feed Sam's cock to the dogs."

"Aaaaa Hunter we don't have any dogs"  said Timothy  one of Hunter,s men.

  " Weeeeellll get me a fucking dog and feed it to him!!!  And guys Tell me where Sam's house is I think I want another wife.  Or maybe I should get a husband this time, naa I'll stick to the toys.  Hey babe can you free my schedule I'm going to pay that dumb school  another visit"


"Photo by David Balev"

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