Part 27- Revelations.

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Even though I don't exactly feel there's need for it (as I already included this in the introductory paragraph), but this chapter will include A LOT of steamy scenes 😊
So please, drive with caution! 😏

This chapter is dedicated to Jacquelinerq maarze bettylone💓💓💓

Enjoy! 😘

"Welcome to Montauk Island Schartz" he whispered.

"No wayyy...this is Montauk Island?! Jesus Christ, how did I not figure that out earlier!" she cursed.

"Err-I don't know if you've noticed, but you're not exactly the most observant person planet earth has housed" he teased and she smacked him playfully.

Fai led them to their table, pulled her chair out for her like a perfect gentleman made sure she was comfortable, before walking over to his side of the table.

"Oh my God Fai, this is so perfect!" she chimed, feeling overly amused over how magical the entire scenery looked.

"Well, I'm glad you like it...I was really hoping it wouldn't come across as 'cheesy' " he stated.

"I mean, it is cheesy...but girls love cheesy" she said and he smiled.

With the band singing classical songs by Adriano Celetano and Eros Ramazzoti in their background, the two began chit chatting about little things, covering menial topics like entertainment, lifestyle and even business.

In their center were two bottles of Italian wine, loaded with ice and Fai helped them both with the fresh and crispy Barolo bottle while they were served an Antipoasto Charcuterie board for their starter.

"So tell me, what does it feel like?" she asked.

"What does what feel like?"

"Being you...this-enigma everyone's so intrigued by, 'Fai Regan', or 'Dr. Fai Regan'-whichever you prefer, how does it feel? Cause I sometimes feel like you must have the weight of the world on your shoulders-or is it not? Do you not sometimes feel pressured?"

"Well...I guess I kind of see my dad, he wasn't always like this-happy, cheerful, jovial, old age has calmed him down a whole lot but he used to be a big workaholic; success driven-addicted even, just being good enough was never enough for him, he strived to be number one and he expected everyone around him to do the same"

"Wow, that must have been so huge...but anyways, I guess it paid off in the end, cause you know, you're here and you've achieved so much. In so many ways, I'd say you're like your father, career-driven, goal-oriented..."

"Yeah, except the difference is I know when to stop"

"What do you mean?" she furrowed.

"My father sometimes, he gets his priorities wrong...when I was 15-16, my parents separated. Their separation lasted almost two years...was mostly my dad's fault cause he was always working, working so hard that when he finally got to the peak of his career, he forgot he had a family...had less time for his wife, sent Faury and I to boarding schools and the only time I ever really got to spend with him during those years were when he dragged me along to his company meetings-he would literally force me to sit in the midst of he and his friends and hear them argue numbers and shit"

"That had to have been really depressing" she sympathized.

"Oh trust me it was, I didn't always like numbers as much as I do now-but anyways, fast track to that, my mother moved out, yet he didn't even notice she had been gone until five days after, that's how distant they had know the most annoying thing? When he eventually found out, he didn't even care"

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