Prologue: Chameleon

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In his sandwing form, Chameleon waited nervously for his second wife, Skystriker, to arrive.

He heard horrible cry that sounded like Skystriker. He looked up and with horror, saw his love falling and bonds
on her wings. She landed with a thud!
Chameleon ran to his love.

"No. No no no no no no!" He yelled. Skystriker's eyes were closed, her wings covered something. He move them gently, only to find what she was protecting.

A sun rise colored egg wrapped up in Sky's arms. Tears fell from his face.
This is what she wanted to tell me about, Chameleon thought. This is why she wanted to run away with me, why we got married two weeks ago, and now I have to take it.

But he didn't know anything about raising a daughter, he couldn't do it. But he knew a few dragons, skywings
shadows started to grow. "Halt!" A skywing soldier said.

Chameleon kiss his love one last time, grabbed his daughter and ran as fast has he could run. He launch himself into the sky, without another thought.

He dove into a dune, he hurried to untie his pouch of dragon sculptures and found Cirrus the icewing figure. "I want to be Cirrus the icewing!" He demanded quick and quietly. He felt pain in his scales, like every other time he shape shift.

He saw his talons turn white and curled up to wait for his chasers to thinks he went a different way.

Hours pass, he fell asleep, the sun rise was gone and the sun was in the middle of the sky. He awoke to hear voices close by where him and his daughter was.

"Cirrus, where are you? We need to move on." He remembered that voice.
Oh thank the moons! It's Avalanche! He thought, happily. He dug his way out of the dune.

"Avalanche, thank the moons!" Cirrus
said, jumping out of the dune. Avalanche turn into a fighting pose.
Avalanche realized it was Cirrus and calm down.

"There you are, you've been gone for hours, where have you?" Avalanche said, angrily at Cirrus.

Cirrus turned to the dune. He ran over to the egg. He started to dug threw the sand and found the egg. He picked up the egg and held it up to the sun to see a dragonet inside.

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