Chapter 1: Winter

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Winter waited for the daily scavengers that came to the small lake.

Where are the scavengers? He thought. Then finally 10 scavengers walked to the lake. Their squeaking was calm.

As they got there water, Winter clung tightly to the net in his claws and jumped out to catch them. The net got
on top of the creatures.

He only caught two of them, but they were able to scramble out. They started to sprint away and Winter hit the ground as hard as he could.

"Three moons! Why can't I catch just one scavenger, ugh!" He said. Then he quiet himself and followed them.

He caught up with them and saw a skywing playing with his targets. She was also singing.

Never fall to sea,
Leaves have fallen,
Stars make up the sky,
While rain hit the ocean,
Please oh please follow me to the forest where we met.

She just started to hum the tune. Winter climb up a tree and hid there. She seems nice but she might just be playing with her food. Winter thought, starting to fight himself about it.

His thoughts were cut off when he heard Riptide yell for her. "Firecaster, come on, we need to meet Tsunami at Jade mountain."

"Coming." She yelled, then looked back to the scavengers. "I gotta go, but I promise that we can talk more tomorrow." She said. The scavengers patted her snout and she was off.

A few minutes passed. Maybe I should catch them now. His thoughts were cut short again. "Hey Winter, what are you doing?" He watch as the scavengers ran away.

He turned to Qibli. "I was trying to catch scavengers again when you scared them away." He said.

"I know you were watching the Skywing." He said, smugly. Winter felt rage. "You were spying on me?!" He asked.

"No, I bumped into her and I just went the way she came from and found you. Moon told me she had vision on where you were going to be." He said.

I hate him when says that Moon had a vision. He always rubs it in my face that he won Moon. Winter thought.

Firecaster x Winter (Discontinued)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat