Chapter 29: Winter

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Winter had came back to his sleeping cave but only had stress when he didn't find Firecaster laying on her bed. He had spent most of the day getting drunk with Qibli and Turtle.

He still was a little drunk but he could see what was in front of him. He started to panic when he got tired. He didn't want to go to sleep without knowing where his love was.

There was a note on his bed, he grabbed it and laid on his bed. Winter, I went to the healers' hut in the rainforest because I think I might have the egg today, anyways just wanted you to know where I was. Love you, Firecaster. The note said.

Winter laid his head down on his pillow and fell asleep. His dream was about him with Firecaster in the hut and she laid dead on a bed. The only thing that she had was his and Firecaster's egg.

It hatches in his arms and the little dragonet reached for his snout and touched it. Tears fell off his face and landed on the ground. He was happy to have his daughter but sad that he lost Firecaster.

He carried the little dragonet out of the hut and left Firecaster. Winter awoke for his nightmare and relaxed. The sun had set and he went to the rainforest to found his love.

He gladed to the rainforest and landed on the rainwings' healers' hut to find Qibli waiting on the outside of it. "Hey Qibli, what are you doing here?" He asked.

Qibli looked over at him. "Nothing, just waiting for Moon and our egg, hopefully." He said. Winter was in shock, Firecaster and Moon were having their dragonets on the same day.

"I just came from the mountain and Firecaster left me a note saying that our dragonet's egg was coming." He said. Qibli stared at him. "Well, looks like we're going to have twins." He said.

Winter chuckled, he needed someone to cheer him up. "So, do Moon tell you about the egg?" Winter asked. Qibli shook his head. "No, Moon just told me to go get you and Turtle and go get dunk. She didn't tell me at all."

Qibli sighed. Winter sat down next to him. The sat in silence for an hour until a rainwing healer came out. Winter saw the deep gashes on the healer's arm. The rainwing started to wrap a bandage over his arm.

The healer looked at Winter. "Are you Firecaster's boyfriend?" The rainwing asked. Winter nodded. The rainwing smiled. "Well, looks like your a dad."

Hey people, I'm going to be working on a Wings of fire Hunger games for a little while so don't get upset if I don't post a lot of Winter x Firecaster.

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