Chapter 34 Firecaster

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Okay, I'm sooooooo sorry that I haven't been posting a lot but I've been working on other stories so you should all be mad at me. Sorry again. Also, this one is short so sorry.

Firecaster walked in to her sleeping cave to see Winter and Hallow sleeping. She smiled at them and then she heard Moon. She turned her head to look over at where she heard Moon and walked over to her. She nearly pass a cave but someone pulled her in the cave. She realized that it was Kinkajou that pulled her in.

Kinkajou's daughter was sleeping with Turtle. Moon was in the cave to with a sleeping Hawk. She her friends with their dragonets made Firecaster want her's. She loved Hallow with all her heart just as Winter. Kinkajou was smiling and had her snout touching Firecaster's. "So did you tell Mr. Grumpy about the news?" Kink asked her.

Firecaster had a good excuse why she didn't tell Winter that Queen Glory was going to let them stay in a hut in the rainforest close to the royal hut. Since she was now the royal dragonet watcher, Queen Glory and King Deathbringer were going out everyday now. She would watch little Princess Starcaster since her brother, Prince Shadow started learning to be an assassin, he hasn't had much time to watch Starcaster.

"Well no, but I have a good reason. He looks so cute with Hallow and I didn't want to disturb them." She said. Kinkajou jumped pass her and went her room. "Kinkajou no!!!!" She said trying to stop her but Kink didn't listen. "Wake up Winter, your wife is back." Kinkajou yelled. Firecaster ran into her room and saw Winter waking up. "Why did you have to wake me and Hallow up?" He asked Kinkajou. Hallow yawned and Firecaster loved her ten times more on how cute she was. Firecaster walked in and went to Winter. "Sorry honey, Kinkajou can get a little excited sometimes." She said picking Hallow up. Hallow was still trying to sleep. "Hallow, wake up my little flare. I have good news." She said. Winter got off his bed and walked over to Firecaster.

"What is it?" Winter asked concernly. Firecaster smiled at him. "Queen Glory is giving us a home so I can dragon sit for her. It's right next to the royal hut." She said looking up at him. Winter hugged her and kissed her. Hallow was really awake now. "But I don't want to leave. I like it here." She cried. Hallow started to try and run off. Firecaster's grip tightened on her daughter. "Hey listen sweetie, Jade academy needs the rooms me, your father, and everyone else so we need to move out before the school starts. I don't want to get locked up in a cell in the ice kingdom again." She said. Hallow put her talons on Firecaster's snout. "Tell me!!!" She demanded.

Firecaster smiled at her and kissed Hallow's forehead. Firecaster felt Winter's touch and she looked at him. He kissed her and took Hallow out of Firecaster's reach. "We don't have much so let's just go now. The rainforest is more peaceful anyway." Winter said. Firecaster gently smiled at him. "And your father is going to teach you how to fly and no buts about it." She looked back at Winter who was glaring at her. Then, they all
left JMA and headed to the rainforest.

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