Chapter 20: Firecaster

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Firecaster awoke to see Winter cuddling up to her. She felt his talons twined with her's, same as their tails. He was sleeping and she just stared at him.

He risked his life just for me. That's it, when we're older, I'm marrying him. She thought. Her love for Winter grew 20 times as big and she hugged him tight. She put her head under his,  she felt like she was a puzzle and she was finally completed.

She felt Winter hug her back and she just kept embracing him. They both had fear but the had each other and they were going face them together.

She started to pick at the band of her muzzle. It finally snapped and she pulled it off. She tried to unlock the chains around her, but it didn't work.
"Winter!" She quietly yelled in her ear.

He awoke to stare at her. She started to claw at Winter's band and it snapped too. "Oh thank the moons that your okay!!!!" Winter said. He pulled her into a hug. She hug him tight and kissed him.

Firecaster's ears pick someone come. She pull herself away from Winter and at the cell door. A click at the door unlocked it and two dragons appeared. Winter stared at them. One, had a happy look and the other one anger.

"Icicle, Hailstorm." He said. Winter let go of Firecaster and their tails untwines. One dragon walk to Winter and hugged him. She backed away with fear and the other dragon growled at her.

She was backed into a corner and the dragon was still growling. Fear was the only expression that made it's way on her face. She saw Winter turn as the dragon raised it's claws and would strike.

"Icicle, don't!!" Winter throw himself in front of her. The dragon stop and sighed. "You were always weak, Winter." Icicle (the dragon) said. Winter put his arms around her neck, she gipped him tight.

Tears fell from her eyes. " Firecaster, I wouldn't let anyone hurt you, I promise." He held her tight. She began to cling to him. The other dragon came over to Winter and Firecaster froze with fear.

"I'm so sorry, Icicle can be very terrible at sometimes." The dragon said. He reached out to touch her but, she put her wing over herself. The dragon pulled back.

"Winter, everyone is asleep and I'm sneaking you two out." The dragon began. "Snowfall doesn't know what to do with you and the hybrid. She doesn't even want you here. I got the key and I'm going to unlock the chains."

Winter let the dragon unlock his chains, but when the dragon turned to her, she jumped away from him. Winter took the key and unlocked the chains himself. He hugged her and said.

"I'm always going to take care of you, Firecaster. Remember when I told you the story of how I saved my brother, Hailstorm?" He asked. She nodded and Winter continued. "The dragon whom is helping us is Hailstorm." Winter said.

They kept walking and Firecaster kept thinking about the story that Winter told her. She quietly ran out of the ice kingdom and into the kingdom of sand. Winter said his goodbyes to his siblings while Firecaster waited.

She saw Peril run to her. Peril hugged her. She embraced her and left the fiery scales warm her.

Firecaster x Winter (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now