Chapter 9: Winter

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Winter woke in a new place, he wasn't in the healers hut anymore and wasn't with Firecaster. He slowly tried to get up, but fell back to his bed.

He realized he was at Jade mountain again. He heard talons coming to him.
He felt his head go back down on his talons. He just woke up but he was so tired.

He saw Firecaster come in. " Good morning, sleepy head." She said. Winter heard the laughter that followed behind her.

He heard Moon's laugh. He tried to move but he couldn't feel his body. "Hey, Winter." Qibli said, poking his head in the doorway. A yellow flash went pass Qibli.

"Oh no," Winter said, realized who it was poking. "Hello, Kinkajou." He said. He wanted someone to grab the little rainwing and tell her calm down.

He saw Turtle and Peril walk in after Qibli and Moon. Firecaster grabbed Kinkajou and put her next to Turtle.  He saw that Firecaster had a needle with a medicine in it.

Why am I still scared if shots, they don't really hurt. Even though he was numb, he still felt himself flinch. Firecaster put needle on his side and
saw Firecaster looking at him.

She smiled and injected the medicine.
He thought he was getting feeling his back in his body, but he still couldn't feel his body. "Hey Firecaster, why do I feel numb?" He asked her.

"Well um, Qibli will tell you." She said and ran out the of the room. Qibli was mad and ran out to, after Firecaster. Moon looked at Winter, he used to want Moon, but now all he wanted was Firecaster.

"So um Winter, you actually clawed yourself so hard in your sleep one night, they had to give you stitches." Moon said, fidgeting with her talons.

"And they said since you were starting Jade academy, they gave Firecaster a numbing serum for you to be injected with." She explained.

He looked at his stomach and saw stitches go all the way the way from his chest to the center of his underside.

He remembered a dream where black surrounded him and Firecaster's body, she laid dead with her blood over his white scales.

Firecaster's blood went exactly where
his stitches were. He tried to claw all the blood off but it was like trying to claw a diamond apart. "How long was I asleep?" He asked. Turtle looked at Winter."Two weeks." He said.

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