Chapter 11: Winter

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Winter awoke to something heavy drop to the ground. Widely awake, Winter looked up and move his head. He found black scales in front of him.

His eye sight started to clear and he saw the same black scales that had left Kinkajou for death, the same black scales that was going to kill Hailstorm, the same black scales that Winter wanted to kill.

"Chameleon." His voice hissed. Chameleon looked at him, his dark green eyes stared at him, hatred filled them. "My name is Shapeshifter, not Chameleon." The darkness surrounded them, telling Winter it was night.

"What are you doing here?" He asked
All Shapeshifter did was laugh quietly. "Why, I was invited by my daughter." He said with a terrible smile. "Peril would never invite you here, you betrayed her!!!" He yelled at Shapeshifter.

That just made him laugh more, which scared Winter. "Who said Peril invited me, I was referring to my other daughter." He said. Chameleon walked over to the needle that was full of something.

"Firecaster said she had some dragon she wanted me to meet, so I came right away, but I thought she was talking about a dragon that I didn't hate." He said, walking over to Winter with the needle.

He tried to move but the serum was still strong. "I wonder if Firecaster would take up my offer if I bribed her." He said, putting the needle on his neck. Winter tried to throw Chameleon away but the numbing serum was too strong.

"Shapeshifter, what are you doing to Winter?" Firecaster's voice said. Chameleon turned to show Firecaster. She looked so tired and sick. She saw Winter and Winter let his emotions take control of him.

He felt fear for him and love to see Firecaster. She shoved Shapeshifter to the ground and ran to Winter. He felt tears fall from his eyes, both of fear and happiness.

"Winter, are you okay?!?" She asked. He thought he wouldn't hear her voice again for a long time. He tried to calm himself down. "Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just so happy to see you." He said. She put her talons under Winter's chin. He touched her gently.

They put their heads against each others. She kissed him and he just squeezed her talons tighter. He heard talons running down the hall then Peril, Turtle, and Kinkajou bursted into the room.

Firecaster still held his head in her talons. She blocked off the fight so Winter wouldn't see the fight. He felt kinda dizzy and let his head be held in Firecaster's talons.

"Winter, please try to stay awake, please Winter!!!" She said. He let his talons fall to his bed and fell asleep with a smile.

Firecaster x Winter (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now