Chapter 19: Winter

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Winter waited quiet for Peril. She had to take the long way around to get to the tunnel to the border of the ice kingdom. But to Winter, it was another second Firecaster was closer to death.

When Peril finally arrived. Winter out to the other side. Peril's fire scales lit up the tunnel, Winter looked back before he started to fly. Qibli started to emerge from the dark and waited outside of the tunnel. Since it led to the edge of the sand kingdom.

Qibli planned that if Firecaster was close to death that Qibli would yell for Peril and if anyone was following Winter, then Peril will help Winter.
Peril liked the idea of her burn some dragons that were trying to hurt her friends.

Winter jumped into the air and shot to the ice kingdom. He made sure no one had seen him. Since he started to hide better in the rainforest, he was invisible. Or everyone was just ignoring him.

He saw a familiar faces. It was Hailstorm and Icicle. He just kept sneaking to the castle instead of talking to his siblings. He loved his older brother but Icicle might still be mad at him.

He was here for Firecaster, not to talk. A few hours pass he nearly was in the palace, two guards caught him. They knocked him out, all of his stealth had been for nothing.

He awoke to feel Firecaster touch him. His eyesight cleared and it was her but she was asleep. Curled in a little circle, breathing. He sighed in relief. She was alive and she looked like she in joyed her sleep.

He looked around and saw they were in a cell. It felt warm which was weird. It's never warm in the ice kingdom. He looked back at Firecaster that smile through her muzzle, he had a one too.

He actually looked like Firecaster with the chains all over their bodies.
He kept scratching the band that kept  the muzzle on. The guards must have put one that's never been used before on me. He thought.

He looked at Firecaster's muzzle and the band looked brand new too. It's no use. Winter began to thought. We'll have to wait for someone to let us out, and who would let a traitor and a sleeping hybrid out? No one I bet.

He cuddled up to Firecaster and held her talons tight. You were right, Firecaster. I should have never told them about us. Winter let tears fall off his face. He put one wing over her and twined his tail with her:s.

Winter kept blaming himself for his and Firecaster's capture. He kept thinking what was going to happen to them. Snowfall was still mad at Winter for faking his death. Winter kept thinking about Firecaster's date and it became a horrible nightmare.

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