Chapter 18: Firecaster

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I'm not going to put the rankings in this story because it completely

Firecaster was being carried by something but she couldn't move her head. She felt cold melt on her wings, snout, ankles, and wrists.

She moved her eyes around and there was only snow for miles. The ice kingdom. She thought. There was something on her ear, it felt like an earring.

She just stayed still, she couldn't move. She didn't want to thrash, she just wanted to sleep, the dragons carrying her started to talk. "What do you think Queen Snowfall will think about this this dating her cousin?" One of them asked.

"He's dead to her, I don't even think she cares about Winter at all."  The other one said. I guess these two are going to take me to her highness. She thought. She felt a freezing breeze hit her scales.

"Ah, feel that perfect breeze, I love the ice kingdom." The one on her left said. I wish I was an icewing right now. She thought. She felt a little sick but not like the night she met Winter.

Winter. She began to think about her love. I miss him so much. I hope he's ok, I love him so much. She started to get feeling back into her body. That was good because now she knew that she wasn't get frostbite.

The two icewings carrying her landed down on the ground. She tried to look like she was still unconscious and numb the best she could but when they would touched her, they tickled her.

The guard on her left hoist her over his back. They went to two other guards at two huge doors. "Halt, state your name and business."  The one carrying her started. "Frostbite and Iceberg and we need to see the queen."

Firecaster felt the icewing guard stare coldly at her. A minute passed before the guards let them pass. The icewings were silent the rest of the way, as if they spoke something would jump out and kill them.

She opened one of her eyes and saw they entered the throne room with a graceful icewing sitting on the throne. "Queen Snowfall, we have news that the traitor, Winter, has found love in a hybrid and we thought you could use her as a pawn." Frostbite said.

This is Snowfall!?! She thought. "Well done Frostbite. Chain her up next to my throne, Winter will come for her eventually." The queen said. Firecaster closed her eyes again and let Frostbite chain her up.

She started to pray that Winter wasn't coming. Oh please Winter, don't come find me. Please stay at Jade academy, and please don't worry, I'll find a way to get back to you. She fell back asleep in a cold kingdom.

Firecaster x Winter (Discontinued)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon