Chapter 5: Winter

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Winter stared at Firecaster helplessly as Qibli touched her. "I think she is out cold. Peril, I told you touch her!!!" Qibli started to yell at Peril, which in Winter's experience was a very bad idea.

"What if she's was lying to you? I don't want to kill her!!" Peril said starting a fight with Qibli. "No one would lie about their WEAKNESS!!!!!!!" He yelled.

Turtle stand by Peril way to close. He started to whistle and tripped Peril as she walked forward and she landed on Firecaster.

"Turtle, how did you trip me, you should have turned into ash!!" Peril said, quickly getting off of Firecaster, only to see her clinging to Peril's side.

"Um, some goes for you, Ms. Clingy." Peril said, trying to pull her off. "Like Qibli said, I die if it's to cold." Firecaster said, letting go of Peril but leaning against her.

"When I fought Anemone, she was about to crush me with a boulder, I gave myself invulnerability scales." Turtle said.

Winter wanted to hug Firecaster and kiss her. I really need that sky fire, I don't want Moon to know how I feel about Firecaster. Winter thought.

He didn't want to check it, he just wanted to hug Firecaster tight. He wanted to ask if she was able to touch icewings, he didn't want to sound as if he cared, Qibli asked because he knew Winter didn't want to make her know he liked her.

"So, can you touch icewings without getting sick or does it still making pass out?" Qibli asked. Firecaster walked over to Winter and kissed him.

When she let go, she said. "That should answer you question." She walked back over to Peril and she put a wing over her.

"Well, I should really be going before Riptide gets worried." Firecaster said, jumping into the night sky. She caught on fire, and like a lightning strike she disappeared.

"Oh, that reminds me that she also said that if she kisses a icewing, the kiss can make them pass out, cause well like I said, she's like a fire." Qibli said, looking over to Winter.

No wonder I feel dizzy. Winter thought he fell forward and passed out.

Firecaster x Winter (Discontinued)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon