Chapter 17: Winter

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Things had gone well. The icewings said they didn't care who dated Winter and that would just make things better for Firecaster.

He waited for her. She was gone the whole day. When the sun went down is when he really worried. Almost everyone was asleep and same as Winter. Winter eventually went back to his sleeping cave.

He got on his bed and fell asleep. He didn't really get much sleep because he was to stressed out. Firecaster still wasn't back yet. Where could she be? He wondered. He quietly looked all over the mountain but didn't find her.

He just went back to sleep, Winter didn't want to go to sleep without knowing where Firecaster was. He slept throw the rest of the night, but he hardly slept.

When morning came, she still wasn't there. He went to find Tsunami. She was awake pretty early, but he thank the moons for it. She was going threw school paperwork and letters from the queens.

"Hey Tsunami, Firecaster never came back last night, is it okay if I spend the day looking her?" Winter asked. Tsunami looked up from her paperwork. "Of course you can, but whatever you do, don't tell Riptide that Firecaster is missing." She said looking back at her paperwork.

He needed help. He went to find Moon. She was still sleeping, but Qibli yawned and stretch his talons. He rubbed his eyes and saw Winter. "Hey, what are you doing up so early?" Qibli whispered.

"Firecaster never came back, she still isn't here." Winter said. Qibli looked puzzled. "She said she was going hunting." Qibli said. Moon looked at them. "Can you guys please be a little quiet before Kinkajou wakes up." Moon asked.

"Yeah, sorry Moon." Qibli said. Moon went back to sleep and they both sneaked out. "So where do you think she is?" Qibli asked. Winter realized who took her and he hated himself for it.

"I told the icewings that I was dating a hybrid and there was 5 guards that were there. They must have found her and taken her." Winter said, looking down at his talons.

He felt tears fall down his face. "Why would the icewings take Firecaster, it makes no sense." Qibli said. "One of the icewings said that Snowfall is still mad at me and she wants me dead. I guess she remembered that she's queen."

Winter remembered that Snowfall was still mad but why keep a grudge? She banished him, why kill him? Winter thought of all the reasons she might still hate him.

Then he realized that he was having a get time. Snowfall was mad that she never could relax, but Winter had friends, was dating a beautiful dragon, and had freedom.

"I need to go help Firecaster." He said.
He walked pass Qibli but he stopped him. "I'm not letting you do this alone, Winter." Qibli said. "Only icewings can serve the ice kingdom. Sandwings would parish within minutes." Winter pushed Qibli out of the way.

He made his way back to his room. He started to write a note. Firecaster got kidnapped. I'll be gone for a week. If Firecaster makes it back and I don't, make sure she stays there and doesn't leave. He whipped his talon off and left it on his bed.

"No, but Peril can. She can't be affected by the cold and she can help Firecaster. Besides, you can't bring or breathe fire. She'll freeze if Peril doesn't help her." Qibli blocked the exit.

But Qibli was right, Winter hated that he was right. He needed to save Firecaster before she died. Winter sighed. "I know, your right. I'm just worried, she's been gone all day, she must be so cold."

Winter could only imagined. Firecaster laying on the cold icy ground, waiting for Winter, but death reached her first.

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