Chapter 31: Winter

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Winter ran trying to keep up with his love. "Slow down, Firecaster!" He yelled happily. Firecaster laughed. "You can't make me slow down!" She yelled back.

He laughed and ran faster. He was chasing her all over the mountain and it was their wedding day. Later that day was when they would they would have their marriage.

They were both so happy to be married but Moon and Qibli kept cutting in. Winter chased Firecaster to the underground lake but sadly, Moon and Qibli waited for them.

"There you guys are." Moon and Qibli said in unison. Qibli grabbed him and Moon grabbed Firecaster then pulled them away from each other. "Let's get you ready, Winter. We're going to need the whole day." Qibli said.

"Is this really necessary, Qibli? I want to spend the day with Firecaster." Winter said. Qibli stopped at the exit of the mountain and jumped into the sky.

"Yes, your getting married and marriage is a big thing for anyone." Qibli said, gliding to a waterfall. Qibli landed on the bank while Winter dived into the lake. He popped up from the lake and swam all over.

He swam over to the bank and Qibli laughed a little. "I know marriage is a lot but I just want to relax and not become stress." Winter said. Winter started to the mud that dried on his scales.

Firecaster had thrown him into a mud puddle the day before and he hadn't washed it off. He sank below the surface and washed the mud off.
"Hey Winter." Qibli said. His voice sounded weird underwater.

Winter swam to the surface and back to the bank. "Yeah Qibli, what's up?" Winter asked. He climbed out of the water and shaked off the water. Before he knew it, Winter was forced to the ground and was flipped around.

Firecaster had pinned him to the ground. He smiled at the sight of her. "Hi beautiful, what are you doing?" Winter asked. Firecaster broke out laughing. She let Winter up he fell to the ground laughing too.

They finally pulled themselves together and got up. Winter felt Firecaster kiss him, he turned to her and kissed her back. "I love you, Winter and I have a question for you." Firecaster asked.

Winter kissed her neck. "Let's hear it." He said and kept kissing her. "I want to get married sooner then tonight, I don't want to wait. I want to get married in two hours." She said.

Winter smiled at her. "Whatever my love wants, gets." He said. He kissed her on the lips. "Thanks honey, see you in two hours." She kissed him again and flew off.

Wait, did I just agreed to married early. Winter thought. He froze when he realized what he just did.  I did.

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