Chapter 23: Winter

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Winter was sitting on the shore of the sea, coast of the rainforest. What Qibli asked Moon had really made Winter think about proposing to Firecaster.

He was the right age and same as Firecaster so why not. It was night, he had a white diamond he found and made into a ring. Tonight he was going to ask her, even if he felt sick to his core with anxiety.

"You have to ask her, she is the love of your life, you can do this." He said aloud to himself. He took a deep breath and thought about his life with Firecaster.

He heard wing beats coming to him, he looked up to see Moon and Qibli coming to him. "Well, are you going to ask her?" Qibli asked. Moon giggled about something, but Winter mostly focused on Qibli.

"How did you know, I didn't tell you." Winter said, hiding the ring. Qibli giggled. "It was just obvious, Winter." He said. Moon had a huge smile on her face.

Winter started to see Moon's smile, that told him she was hiding something again. "Moon, what are you hiding?" Winter asked. Moon put her talons over her snout.

"Nothing." She said. Her voice cracked up when she talked. Qibli looked at Moon. "What are you smiling about?" Qibli asked. Moon looked away to the forest.

"I just need to go meet up with Kinkajou and Firecaster, we we're going to talk about something." She said, standing up. She kissed Qibli on the lips and ran off into the forest.

"Also Turtle should be here later." Moon yelled as she disappeared into the forest. "What was that about?" Winter asked. Qibli shrugged. "She been like that for a while and she won't tell me what she keeps talking about."

"I wonder what it could be about." Winter said. A splash behind them made Winter turn. Turtle ran out of the sea. "I'm going to be a father!!!" He said. "Oh, that's what their talking about." Qibli said.

Firecaster x Winter (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now