Chapter 7: Winter

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Winter awoke to find himself in a healer's hut. He tried to piece together what happened the last time he was awake.

He remembered why he was in a healer's hut, he passed out in front of his friends and they must have carried him here.

He felt sick and felt someone touch him lightly. He looked over to see Firecaster holding his talons lightly. There was a bucket next to his bed, he didn't realized what it was for until he felt like he was going to throw up.

He grabbed the bucket with and let it rip. Firecaster pet his back gently, telling him that she was going to stay.
Confirming it, she said. "I'm going to stay with you, Winter." Her voice as calming as he hoped.

"I'm sorry that I made you sick." She said, still petting his back. He didn't know if it was her that made him sick, or if it was the three day old goat that was dead laying in sun.

Probably the goat. Winter thought, still puking. He heard her sing a lullaby, not knowing if it was for him to go back to sleep, once he was done throwing up.

" The moon light,
Shines so bright,
Please hold me tight,
On the darkest night,
We have no frights,
Let us take flight,
On the moon lit night."

He drifted off to sleep and heard her walk away, he wanted her to stay and keep singing. He fell into a deep sleep.
Ever since Darkstalker was put back under the mountain, he kept having nightmares about it.

Darkstalker twice has big, destroying the icewings, stepping on him. Someone shook him awake. He jumped awake from his nightmare.

Firecaster was there again, but this time holding medicine. Winter realized that he would have to take it.
But instead of just giving it to him, she put it in a small shot container.

He always hated long needles. He watched as Firecaster filled it up with the medicine and started to walk over to him. He completely froze, Firecaster had a small pad with what smell like alcohol on it.

She wiped it over his side and he jumped back little bit when she had the shot ready. Firecaster realized what he jumped back from. "Winter, it's fine, it will only hurt for a moment and then the pain will stop, I promise." She said.

He still stared at the needle, frozen as a statue. Firecaster walked a little closer and Winter jumped back until felt his back against the wall behind him.

He let fear control his face, Firecaster put the needle down and moved closer to Winter. He unfroze and quietly begged her not to give him the shot. "Please Firecaster, don't give me the shot, the needle is so long and... pointy." Winter said, putting his talons together.

Firecaster had an apologetic look on her face. "I'm sorry, Winter. The healers said that you need a shot and if I don't give it to you, the healers will." She said. He heard the symphony of her voice.

"Well, then maybe I can take it tomorrow." He chuckled nervously when Firecaster picked the needle up again. He tried to back up more until he really pushed against the wall.

"Winter," Firecaster said, holding his talons again. "I used to be scared of needle myself, when I found out I had to get stitches, I was very scared but a good friend of mine told me that needles are nothing to be scared of."

Her smile made him feel a little better but he still flinched when she pulled the needle out again. She put it on his scales and looked at Winter again. "How bout this, if you don't scream or fight me on this again, I'll give you a nice treat." She said, putting her other talons on his side, close to the needle.

She seems like she mean s it. Winter thought. "Fine, but please be quick." He asked. Firecaster smiled at him. The needle disappeared under his scales, he felt the needle deep in his skin.

She injected the medicine and pulled the needle out. "See, that wasn't hard, was it Winter?" She smiled and he wanted to agree but it felt like someone was trying to pull one of his bones.

"Now, your treat." Firecaster got so close to his lips. He felt her kiss him, and she climbed on his bed. "You get a full hour with me, so what do you what do you want to do?" She looked him in the eye.

"I think I want to stay here for a few more minutes, then I want to go for a peaceful walk." He had her talons locked with hers. "I like the sound of that." She said and kissed him again.

Sorry that this one is a little long, I got sucked into my own story.

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