Chapter 4: Firecaster

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As Winter finished his story, all Firecaster had was one question. "Is Queen Snowfall mad at you for faking your death or something else?" She asked.

"Yeah, I guess she's just mad that only Hailstorm was the only one who knew." Winter said, looking up at the stars that had started to shine.

The silence felt kinda nice, she leaned on Winter. She felt a little dizzy, she knew she was getting cold and that meant she was getting sick.

She was like a fire, if it got to cold the  fire would go out and for her it was getting to cold. "Hey Winter, I don't feel so good." She said, about to fall forward.

He caught her as she fell. "Are you okay, do I need to get Riptide?" He asked, holding her up. "No, I know what I need to do." She said, keeping a smile and trying to stand up.

"No, stay here, I'll go get help." He set her down to the ground. "Winter!!" A kind voice yelled. She moved her head, that made it hurt, which she knew she had to get warm, fast.

She saw a dragon with back scales, actually it was kinda hard to see her. A seawing light up the sky next to her,
Three other dragon landed next to the nightwing.

She recognized the Sandwing. "Qibli?" She asked, weakly. Qibli realized who she was and rushed over. "Firecaster!"he said, about to touch her.

"Please don't touch me." She said, feeling warm scales about to touch her body. She saw a neon yellow color rainwing. With a skywing that had smoke raising off her body, feet away from the rainwing.

A firescale, Firecaster thought. I need her to touch me. She wanted to reach to her but her limbs went numb and she was going to black out.

She tried to fight back against the sleep the best she could but she knew she was going to have give in.

"Firecaster, please fight it, please don't pass out." Qibli said, his voice trying to keep her awake. He touched her, even though it hurt her so much.

"I remembered her telling me that she's like a fire, if it gets to cold she'll die!" Qibli said. "Peril, touch her, your the only thing that can save her!" The Sandwing yelled as she passed out.

Firecaster x Winter (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now