Chapter 4: Chocolate Frogs

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C H O C O L A T E   F R O G S


Mal's POV

"Mal! Wake up! Wake up! It's September--" I heard Mione gasp as she opened my bedroom door. I felt Draco's arm draped over my waist and his head nuzzled into my hair. So he does like the smell of my hair. Interesting.

"Sshhh." I whispered to her and tried to move out from underneath Draco's hold without waking him. I failed at that attempt. I heard him stir next to me.

"What time is it?" he wiped the sleep from his eyes and I couldn't help but smile at the innocent, child-like bed head he had, it was almost adorable.

"8:30" Hermione answered curtly.

"Translation: way too bloody early." Draco groaned and turned his back on Mione to try to keep sleeping.

"C'mon sleepyhead, wake up." I pulled him out of my bed and laughed when he pushed me onto the bed again.

He ran out of my bedroom, saying "I call dibs on the shower." And locking himself inside. I laughed and sat up, my smile immediately erasing from my face when I saw Hermione staring daggers at me.

"What? What is it?" I asked innocently.

"You slept with Malfoy!" she practically yelled. I jumped up to close my door.

"Would you shut up?! I did not sleep with him, we simply fell asleep in the same bed accidentally because I was reading to him." I tried to defend myself.

"Yeah, right, 'accidentally'" she scoffed, "you know what Malfoy calls us, what he calls you. And how he and Harry despise each other. And don't even get me started on how he talks down to Ron."

"That's not all there is to him. Yesterday I saw a new side to him, he was nice, or as nice as Draco could be anyway—"

She cut me off. "Draco? You two are on a first name basis now? Unbelievable."

"Let me finish. I had a nightmare yesterday..."

"The same one as always?"

"Yes. The one. And well I started to have it, and he was there, he woke me up and didn't pressure me to talk about it, he helped me fall asleep. And when I fell asleep that second time, I didn't have another nightmare. I actually slept through the night. I haven't done that since..."

"Since your mom."

"Yeah. It's been years, years Mione. Since I was 8 years old. And last night, with Draco, I could finally sleep with no nightmare."

"Wow. Malorie that's huge."

"I know! I know! I don't know what it means though."

"I think you do, you just don't want to admit it."

"Ugh. Mione I-- I don't know what this is." I went over to her and leaned on her shoulder.

"Mal, you smell different." Mione pointed out. I blushed and stepped away from her. "You smell like... him? The cologne he always uses. Wait... you're wearing his shirt. Malorie! You said you only read and you fell asleep accidentally. You did more than that, didn't you?!"

"Hermione! What the hell? No! You seriously think I would do that?! When I went downstairs to get some water he scared me and I spilled some water on me, that was my last clean shirt that wasn't already packed, so he lent me his shirt. That's it. Nothing happened."

"Alright, fine. I trust you. Now hurry up and go take a shower, I heard it turn off a while ago, Malfoy must be downstairs already. You have clothes to wear today, right?"

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