Chapter 36: The Prophecy

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T H E   P R O P H E C Y


Mal's POV

"Where do you think they are?" Neville asked as he rubbed the back of his neck where Crabbe had been squeezing.

"Probably with Grawp." I answered as we all walked quickly.

"Good thinking Mal." Luna complimented and I smiled at her as we rushed to the forbidden forest where Grawp was kept. After a bit of walking we finally saw the rest of our friends when we were around Hagrid's hut. Mione smiled when she saw me and ran to crash into me as we approached.

"How did you guys escape?" She asked us.

"This one here..." Neville patted my shoulder, "thought of using the Immobulus spell against all of them."

"All of them?" Mione asked me incredulously, "even...?"

"Yes. Even her evil git of a boyfriend, Malfoy." Ginny spoke up before Mione could finish and I turned to her.

"Ginny. Keep your opinions to yourself. I don't butt in on your love life, you don't butt in on mine. Are we clear?" Ginny grumbled an agreement and shrugged.

"So, how do we get to the Ministry?" Ron asked as he tossed Harry and Mione their wands.

"We could fly." Mione spoke up.

"There's no brooms." Harry countered.

"There are other ways to fly." Luna said calmly with a smile on her face. I turned to see four Thestrals watching us.

"What are you looking at?" Ron looked confused.

"They're right there." I motioned to where the animals were. Ron and Mione looked right at them but still had a blank expression on their faces.

"There's nothing there Mal." Mione countered.

"Yes, there is. They're Thestrals. You can't see them unless..." Luna spoke.

"Unless you have seen someone die." I spoke up in a monotone voice. Mione came up behind me and took my hand in hers. I smiled at her and leaned on her shoulder.

"Who have you seen die Mal?" Ron asked, making my stomach drop and Mione looked at me with a wary look on her face. I sighed and turned to Ron.

"Just... I saw a woman die in a car accident."

Just a woman. A stranger.

"Oh." Ron nodded and turned away.

"I can see them too." Neville, who had been quiet this whole time, spoke up. Before anyone could say anything or ask any questions Harry spoke up.

"Great, let's go."

"What about those of us that can't see them?" Ron asked cautiously.

"I'll show you." Luna walked over to Ron and Mione. Damn, they still have some innocence left, I wish I couldn't see the thestrals either.

Luna had put us all in pairs: Ron and Mione, Harry and Ginny, Neville and me, and she would ride by herself. We each got on a thestral and I laughed when Mione shrieked as we flew into the sky. She held on tighter to Ron and I rolled my eyes as he smiled and blushed a little. We soared between the buildings of London for a couple minutes before we finally landed in front of a telephone booth. I giggled as Ron got off shakily.

"Never. Again. Ever." Luna smiled at Ron's childish fear.

I smiled as I watched Harry jump off the thestral and carefully grab Ginny by the waist to place her on the ground, they looked at each other for a couple seconds before blushing and looking away. Harry coughed uncomfortably and Ginny spoke up.

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