Chapter 38: Mione v.s Draco

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M I O N E   V.S   D R A C O


Hermione's POV

I felt panic building up inside my body. She was here one second and gone the next. It was like I blinked and she was gone. Right in front of me, just after Sirius died and while Harry was screaming in emotional pain and suffering.

"Where is she Professor? Where did he take her?!" I was losing control. My sister is missing. That... that... that disgusting person, if he can even be called a person, took her.

"Hermione. We'll find her. Calm down." Ron put his hands on my shoulders but I pushed him away.

"Whenever you tell anyone to 'calm down' that typically has the opposite effect, have you noticed that or are you that bloody dense?!" I yelled at him and he backed away a little, refusing to look at me. I rubbed my face with my hands and sighed, "I just really don't want comfort right now. What I want is to find my sister."

"And we will, Hermione. We'll destroy the bastard that dared to take her." Ginny put her hand on my back and I nodded at her hastily, knowing I wouldn't truly be comforted until I find her.

"Right now we have to find Harry and Mal and get to Hogwarts as soon as possible." Ron explained.

"We should probably split up. What if she's at Hogwarts?" Neville spoke up shyly.

"Why would he take her there?" Ginny asked.

"Malfoy's there." Bloody hell. My body froze up as the realization hit me. "If he's trying to hurt her, he would hurt someone she cares about first." Neville reasoned.

He's going after Malfoy.

"Let's go. Now." I took Ron by his sleeve and dragged him to the elevator in which we came in, ignoring the slight blush I thought I saw splash across his face as I did so.

"I'll go with you." Luna followed us.

"If you don't mind I'll stay behind. I have to... well..." Ginny looked over to the space where Harry headed off into.

"Harry. I know. Please be safe." I nodded to her.

"You too." She smiled back before turning around and following Moody.

"If you don't mind love, I'll go with her. I have to. I know you'll take good care of Harry. I just..." Professor Lupin spoke hurriedly to Tonks.

"It's Mal. I know. Go, I will find him and help bring him back safely. I promise." She reassured him.

"I love you." Lupin leaned down to kiss her quickly.

"I love you too." She kissed him back and hugged him goodbye as she turned around to follow Ginny.

"Let's go find Mal." Professor Lupin hurried us along and Luna smiled at me reassuringly as we walked over to where we came in. From there, we apparated into Hogwarts and ended up in the main hallway. I started walking over to the Slytherin common room, wand in hand.

"Alohomora." I chanted and exhaled loudly when nothing happened.

"It's a house common room, it's not as easy to get in." Luna explained.

"Allow me." Professor Lupin moved in front of us and whispered the Slytherin common room password, Pureblood. Just my luck. That made the door open immediately. I followed quickly behind him and glared when I saw Pansy. I rushed over to her with Neville at my heels.

"Where is she?" I demanded.

"Who?" She flipped through her magazine.

"My sister." I let out through gritted teeth, frustrated at her nonchalant attitude.

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