Chapter 17: Unwelcome Visitor

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Mal's POV

No. This isn't happening. This rugged version of my birth father is not standing in front of me right now.


"Father?!" Both Draco and Mione said too loudly. I was too preoccupied to shoot them a dirty look.

"Hi Malorie. How are you?" He did not just ask me that.

"Great. Perfect." I was being sarcastic but at the same time I wasn't.

I am happy. You just had to come here and ruin it.

"No, but seriously? How are you?" The nerve of this man.

"Did I stutter? I said I was great, perfect even." I emphasized the word.

"Lose the attitude Malorie, it's not cute. It wasn't cute when you were eight and it's definitely not cute now that you're... what? Sixteen?" Seriously? You don't even know how old I am?

"Fifteen. I'm Fifteen."

"Exactly, that's what I said." No it's not. "Now, who are these people?" He looked over at Draco and Mione. No. He is not touching them.

"Can't we just get to the point? What the hell do you want?" I demanded.

"Watch your mouth Malorie, that's no way to speak to your dad." He stepped closer to me and I fought every nerve in my body in order to stay put and not show him that he still scares me.

I scoffed. "You are not my dad. You simply aided a little in my procreation."

Before I could realize what was happening, he had his hand raised and was centimeters away from my face when I held onto his wrist tightly. Draco stepped closer to me, his hands in fists and ready.

"You will never hit me again. So either drop the hand or lose the hand." He stepped back a little out of shock but regained his composure, yanking his arm away from me.

"Malorie, you have only grown more disrespectful throughout the years, haven't you?" He glared at me.

"I respect people that respect me." I shrugged.

"This just shows how much you need to be back with me." What? "Come along now, you must get away from here at once." He held onto my wrist tightly and started pulling.

"She's not going anywhere. Especially not with you." Draco stepped in between Elliot and I.

"I wasn't asking for permission. I am her father and what I say goes. A girl must be with her father for proper care." He did not just... whew ok. I need a minute.

"You're kidding, right? I mean. I 'need' you? Since when? I don't fucking need you. You weren't there to teach me what quidditch brooms were the best to ride! You didn't come to pick out my wand at Ollivander's with me! You didn't ever come see me or even try to fight for me or write! As a matter of a fact I have had seven amazing birthdays without you! Fuck you! I didn't need you then and I most certainly don't need you now."

"Obviously you're mad, it's ok, we'll talk about it later." He dismissed my commentary.

"I'm not mad. I feel sorry for you. Because with your absence I found out I am strong, I am a freaking badass! I don't need you. I feel sorry for you because you will never get to know who I am, and I'm pretty bloody amazing. Now leave, or I'll call Dumbledore and you wouldn't like him to find out about your little mark, would you?" He pulled on his left sleeve to cover the death eater mark I knew was there.

"I'm not scared of you."

"No? Alright, so let's go to Dumbledore. I'll make sure they lock you up in Azkaban."

"You wouldn't do that to your father." He pulled my wrist to be closer to him.

"Try me." I glared at him and yanked my arm away.

"Fine. I knew you were a disappointment. The time will come when you'll need me and I won't be there."

"You've never been there, so trust me I won't need you." He turned on his heel and started walking away. "If you come back there'll be no warning next time! So don't come back." I yelled after him and watched as he suddenly disappeared. Apparition. Great.

"What the hell just happened?" Draco asked.

"Are you alright?" Mione asked at the same time.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I rubbed my hands on my jeans as if that would clean the fact that he touched me.

"How dare he? I should—" Draco's knuckles were turning paper white with how hard he was clenching his fists. I placed my hands on them so he could relax.

"Hey. I handled it. It's fine." I tried to calm him down.

"He knows?" Mione asked.

"Yeah, I told him about it yesterday."



"Woah." She had a wary look on her face.

"Got a problem with that Granger?" Draco coldly regarded her.

"Don't be an ass." I nudged him. He sighed and rolled his eyes. "You two wanna go grab a butter beer?" Hermione and Draco glanced at each other rudely before both of them shaking their heads.

"You know Mal, I've got a lot of studying to do..."


"It's winter break." I countered her crappy excuse.

"Right, but when we get back there's exams so I'm just gonna head to my room. Alright?" Stubborn girl.

"Fine." She smiled at me and glared at Draco before turning on her heel and going back to her room.

"So I guess it's just you and me baby." Draco smiled innocently and I rolled my eyes.

"You have to be nicer to Mione."

"I was nice!" I raised an eyebrow at him and he groaned, "fine I'll be nicer."

"Good. Let's go." i turned to leave but he grabbed me by the sleeve of my sweater.

"Go put something on first."

"I have something on, see?" I showed him the grey sweatshirt I had.

"That's not enough. Go."

"No. I'm fine. I don't get cold."


"Draco..." He rolled his eyes and I laughed. I took his hand and dragged him along with me. After a couple minutes of walking I started feeling it. Damn it. It is cold.

"You're cold, aren't you?"

"No." I lied.

"You see how stubborn you are?" He took off his thick jacket and put it on me. I tried to shake it off and give it back to him but he wasn't having it. "I told you, didn't I? I told you to go put some more layers on. But did you listen? Nooo." He took off his hat and placed it on my head. "I don't think I've ever met such a stubborn woman I swear." He finally put his scarf around my neck but as I tried to give it back to him he wrapped his hands around the ends of the scarf around my neck and pulled me to him, giving me a small kiss on my nose. "Your nose and cheeks are pink. You're definitely cold. Let's go and get you that butterbeer."

"But now you're gonna be cold." I protested.

"Nope." He showed me the two sweaters he had on.

"You are... something." I told him and smiled. He nudged me and took my hand as we continued walking to get a butterbeer.

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