Chapter 46: The Slug Club

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Mal's POV

Today's the dinner Professor Slughorn invited a few select students to, luckily, I was among the select students. I'm flipping through my drawers and closet, trying to find exactly how I'm going to dress tonight.

"Have you chosen what you're going to wear?" I asked Mione.

"I just told you Ron told me Harry's basically been stalking Malfoy with the Map and that is what you ask me?" Mione exclaimed and I sighed, flipping through my drawer.

I ignored her comment once again. "I think I'm just going to wear some jeans and a blouse with a thick black cardigan. How about you?"

"Mal—" She reprimanded me.

I huffed and turned to her. "Listen Mione. I don't want to talk about it. Draco and I just started getting along again, I can't talk about it, or else I'll have to choose between strangling Harry for being a stalker or Draco for being so mysterious and a jerk. I simply can't choose. So I won't." I said as I hastily took the clothes I wanted to wear out of my drawer and threw them onto the bed. "What I do want to do is preoccupy myself with other things, like what you are going to wear. So, Mione, what are you going to wear?"

"Just some jeans and a zip-up sweater." She replied curtly.

"Great. Let me just change and I'll go with you to your room." I sighed and started to change into my clothes. Mione sat on my bed and rubbed her hands on her jeans.

"I just can't believe how Malfoy cursed Katie Bell." She muttered.

"Draco didn't...!" I sighed and lowered my voice as I slipped on my blouse, "he didn't curse anyone. We don't know that for sure, now I know Harry's the 'Chosen One' or whatever, but that doesn't mean he's suddenly one that can read minds or anything. So he could just be wrong."

"Or right." Mione pointed out.

"Mione—" I warned her.

She raised her hands up in defeat. "Fine fine, shutting up now. Ready?"

"Yeah." I slid on my shoes and we headed over to her dorms for her to change. I waited a couple minutes and Harry, Mione, and I finally went off to the dinner.

There, we saw various others and I didn't fail to see how Cormac kept staring at Mione, I shoved her and motioned to him discreetly, making her glare at me and turn to stare at her dinner plate. We ate like this, making small talk as we finished our dinner and dessert finally came. Ice cream, yay.

"So, what do your parents do in the muggle world Ms. Granger?" Mione and I exchanged confused glances and he pointed to me.

"Well, our parents are dentists, sir." They looked at me with a perplexed look on their faces and I quickly clarified, "they take care of people's teeth."

"Fascinating, and is it considered a dangerous profession?" Professor turned to Mione and asked.

"No." She answered simply and everyone just stared at her. She turned to me for help and I shrugged. Why are they still staring at her? "Although..." Although? There's not much to dentistry sis, you fix a cavity, clean their teeth, that's it. "One boy, Robbie Fenwick, did bite my father once. He needed ten stitches." Mione and I laughed softly as we recalled that night our father had come home and claimed he was bleeding out. And then they wonder why I'm dramatic.

Everyone at the table had stopped eating and turned to stare at us. Thankfully, Ginny arrived just then and they all redirected to her.

"Sorry, I'm not usually late." Ginny promised. Wait, what happened? She's been crying. I nudged Mione and she nodded, telling me she'd seen it too.

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