Chapter 30: Distrust

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Mal's POV

*a couple weeks later*

Things with Umbitch had just gotten worse. She really hates muggle borns, and since no one knows I'm adopted, she hates me as well. Harry and I had patched things up, he hates that I'm dating Draco, but thankfully he values our friendship too much to lose it over, and I quote, "a brainless git like him." That earned him a shove.

Dumbledore was almost nonexistent, he has been doing nothing to stop the control Umbitch has begun to gain. Now, no boy and girl are allowed too close to each other or else they'll 'face the consequences'. Jealous bitch. Draco and I are doing pretty well for now, except we don't see each other as often. Despite being in the same house, this year has shown me how different we truly are. He's joined Umbitch and her little stupid team, her Inquisitorial Squad or whatever, and well, I'm part of something he could never know about. That's where I'm heading now.

"Kat!" I turned around quickly when I heard Draco call my name from behind.

Damn it, now I have to take a detour so he doesn't know where I'm going.

"Hey fool." I leaned up to kiss him but he pushed me away softly.

"Where are you running off to?" He asked me, his voice firm and commanding.

"With Mione, to study. You know her, she's always making me." I faked a laugh.

"No Kat. You're lying. You do that thing with your wrist when you lie."


"What thing?" He pointed at my wrist and I suddenly realized I had been scratching it despite there being no itch. I stopped immediately. "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not lying." I'm sorry.

"Kat, please." He came up and held my hands in his, "you can trust me." I can't, I'm sorry. Not with this.

"I know I know. I just..." I ran my hand through my hair, "I really have to go. I'm fine. Trust me. Everything's fine. I'll see you tonight."

"Katerina!" I flinched at his yelling. He sighed and regained his composure. "You promised me no lying. We promised." My heart ached as I recalled the notebook paper we have with our promises to each other.

"I know. I love you." I tiptoed to give him a quick peck and turned around, walking away before I could feel any worse about myself.

I took a couple detours just to make sure no one followed me and finally went into the room of requirement.

"Mal. You're late." Ginny reprimanded me.

"I know, I know. Draco saw me on my way here so I had to take a long route, but I'm here." Ginny eyed me suspiciously but we walked to the crowd gathered around Harry.

"Today we will practice a spell that has been particularly useful to fight off dementors." Harry began.

"Or in your case simply to survive." Ron joked but no one laughed.

"Anyway, line up in two lines separately across the room, give yourselves enough space." he instructed and we followed, "now, think about your happiest memory. Make sure you focus on that moment, on how you felt, let all the happiness consume you as you concentrate. And then you say 'Expecto Patronum' I'll demonstrate." We all backed up even more to give Harry some space and watched as he closed his eyes, concentrating fully, then opened them and said loudly, "Expecto Patronum." We all stood in awe of the beautiful blue rays of light emitting and a deer forming. We all clapped and he smiled, "Alright, your turn, split up and practice. You probably won't get it in the first round, that's ok. I'll be here to help." We nodded and I headed off with my own small group.

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