Chapter 64: Christmas Wreck

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C H R I S T M A S   W R E C K


I still remember my favorite Christmas break. It was in third year. With you.

Mal's POV

*A couple days before Christmas*

I rolled my eyes when I felt someone tap my shoulder. Great. The Carrows.

"I didn't do anything. It's about to be Christmas, leave me alone." I told them without turning around. I felt someone tap my shoulder again and groaned, "What?!" I turned around and smiled when I saw Fred.

I tiptoed to reach his neck, hugging him tightly and giggled when he picked me up and spun me around. "What are you doing here? I didn't know you were coming, how did you even get in? The Carrows have the place surrounded."

"Mcgonagall helped. And we came to pick up Ginny to bring her home, George is actually with her right now, I figured I had to come see you." He smiled at me.

"Bringing her home for Christmas? That's awesome. She needs a break. We all do." I gave out a heartless laugh.

"Where are your bags? I'll help."

"Where am I going to go? If you don't recall, I have no parents right now. My sister is somewhere out there in Merlin-knows-where. I've got no family to go spend Christmas with." I shrugged and tried to act nonchalant but reached my hand up to touch my locket that I've been wearing daily around my neck, hoping, praying that Mione calls for me.

She never has. And I won't take it off until she does.

"I feel so offended." Fred glared at me playfully, pulling me from my nostalgic thoughts.

"What? Why?" I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"You said you haven't got any family left, am I not your brother anymore?" He held his hand to his heart dramatically.

I rolled my eyes at him. "I mean, no one to spend Christmas with, obviously."

"You didn't think I only came to say hi, did you? You're coming with us."

I shook my head. "I don't really want to intrude, and I didn't mean to inspire pity of anything."

"Shut up. The only pity I feel for you is about the fact that you will never be as good-looking as me." I scoffed at his stupid answer. "You're coming with us." 

He pulled my empty bags out of my closet and I smiled as I went to grab some clothes from my drawers, actually agreeing.

We finished packing in a couple minutes and I struggled to close my bag. "Ugh! Fine. Don't close." I huffed.

"Are you talking to an inanimate object?" Fred chuckled, mocking me.

"We live in the wizarding world, where everything is possible, I wouldn't be surprised if the bag talked back to me." We both stared at the bag in waiting but gave up after a couple seconds.

"Yeah, I don't think it'll talk back. Now come on," He jumped on the bag and sat on it, "zip the bag up now." We both laughed and I bent down to zip up the bag. He hopped off the bag and grabbed both of them, setting it up together, he pointed his wand at them and they disappeared. "Alright, let's go." He kneeled down on the floor and turned his back to me.

"What are you doing?" I shook my head at him.

"I'm being kind enough to offer to give you a piggyback ride."

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