Chapter 39: The End of 5th Year

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T H E   E N D   O F   5th   Y E A R


Mal's POV

It's been a couple weeks since everything happened and the time to leave Hogwarts has finally come. This has been a long year, I get the feeling they're just going to feel longer each year.

"Boo!" I heard a voice behind me and jumped.

"Stupefy!" I cast the spell that sent my boyfriend flying across the room. Shit. "Oh my god I'm so sorry. Are you ok?" I rushed over to him.

"I'm fine. Damn Kitty, you're just getting better and better." He groaned as he got up off the ground, taking my hand.

"Good." I smacked his arm.

"Damn it Kat, what was that for?"

"Don't sneak up on me like that. You know I've been on edge."

"Relax baby." He massaged my shoulders, "your birth dad hasn't shown up in these weeks. The next time he does we'll be ready, you've been making sure of that." I nodded and leaned more into the massage.

Damien's funeral had been beautiful, it was in a garden, there were many flowers and paper cranes floating around and even the weather was peaceful, everything showed that Luna and Neville had organized it, with a special touch from Draco with the cranes. I miss Damien, and Sirius, but I know Harry's suffering even more, so I had to pull myself together, for him. But if he ever asks, I don't care. A small squeeze on my shoulders pulled me back from my thoughts.

"We better be ready. I tried to see the good in him, it didn't work. Not making that mistake again." I sighed and pulled away from him to close my suitcase. "Anyway, where are you going to fit that?" I pointed at the guitar I gifted him for his birthday a couple weeks ago.

"No idea, did I tell you I love this gift?"

"Not today." I pointed out playfully.

"Well, I love it. And you." He kissed my cheek and I smiled at him.

"And I you." I responded just as he closed his suitcase. "Let's go fool." He interlaced his fingers with mine and we headed out of the Slytherin section to meet my friends outside.

"Hey Granger." Draco shoved my sister playfully and she rolled her eyes.

"Hey Malfoy. Are we all ready to go?" She glanced at Draco and I.

I love how they've been making an effort to get along, the time I hexed them must've made them bond or something because after that it hasn't been as bad. They greet each other, aren't too mean, all the bare minimum, for me. I admit, I'm lucky to have them with me.

"Ready." Ron said and she smacked his arm, making him groan.

"I was asking my sister." She pointed out.

"Nasty habit of yours, smacking me." He cursed.

"Only when you deserve it." She smiled and blushed a little when he shoved her back.

"Alright, let's go." Draco said and squeezed my hand softly. We walked behind the group of my friends. "So, you know your sister has a thing for Weasel, right?"


"Sorry, force of habit, I meant Weasley."

"Shut up about it." I glanced over at Ron and Hermione, who were talking about something I was too far away to hear.

"Why? Can't you all see he has a thing for her too?" Draco asked.

"Of course we all see it but you know how they are. I mean, my sister being my sister will never admit it to him, and Ron, being Ron will never admit it to her."

"So... what? They're just going to crush on each other from afar?"

"Looks like it." I shrugged.

"Bullshit. They should take a page out of our book and just confess it already. It has a great deal of benefits." He looked me up and down and smirked and I shoved him lightly.

"Right... because it totally didn't take us almost two years to even kiss." I rolled my eyes.

"It was two years for you? It was four for me." He didn't meet my eyes as he said this.

"What?" I looked at him.

"I mean, even as a little boy I fancied you." I raised my eyebrows at him and he started again, "don't get too confident now."

"Me? Too confident? Never." I said sarcastically and made my english accent thicker to sound posh, making him roll his eyes and groan. We gave in our suitcases and he stopped me just before parting ways.

"By the way, tomorrow, I'll be by your house at around 12, be ready."


"It's a surprise." He smiled sheepishly.

"And you know how much I love those." I groaned.

"Well, you'll love this one. You can bring Granger along if you wish." He shrugged as if what he just said was nothing.

"My sister? You want her to third wheel?" I asked incredulously.

"Well, it's not exactly a date so I wouldn't call her a 'third wheel'."

"Still, you're sure you're ok with my sister tagging along if she wants to?"

"Yes. If you ever tell her this I'll deny it but: she's not that bad." I giggled excitedly and tiptoed to kiss him.

"I told you you two would get along if you got to know each other."

"We are a long way from getting along. I'm just saying she's not that bad."

"She'll grow on you. I mean, she grew on me." I laughed as I recalled how bratty she had been the first couple of days I was fostered.

"Mal?! Do I have to drag you here?" My sister called from the compartment a couple feet behind us.

"Try it and you'll regret it little sis." I called out behind me and heard her groan. "I better get going or else Mione's going to have a fit."

"Fine. I'll see you tomorrow baby." He pulled my hips to be close to him.

"See you tomorrow fool." I tiptoed to kiss him quickly before parting ways. "I'm here, I'm here." I said as I sat down next to Mione. I turned to look at the boys, "she hasn't popped a vein yet has she?"

"Nope. But a couple more seconds and I bet she would have." Ron grinned.

"You should've taken longer, seeing that would've been bloody brilliant." Harry said and we all laughed. Well. all except Mione.

"You three are the worst." Mione groaned and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Too bad, you were nice to us, now you're stuck with us forever." Ron elongated the last word playfully.

"Yay me." Mione said sarcastically.

"Oh woe you woe you." I rolled my eyes at how dramatic she was.

The rest of the train ride was spent with playful teasing of each other and I reveled in these few moments of happiness we got when we weren't in danger of suffering the loss of a loved one. I needed to cherish these moments because I had a feeling this happiness would not last too long next year.

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