Chapter 71: Meetings

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I need you in my life. And that's why you can't let go. Hold on. Just a little longer.

Draco's POV

I groaned as I woke up and felt the light of the window hit my eyes directly. I sprawled my arm over to touch Kat but my heart sunk when I realized the bed was empty. What the hell? It couldn't have been a dream, right? It was way too realistic to be a dream.

Suddenly, the door opened and slammed closed, and relief flowed over me when I saw Kat come in, with plates in her hands. Thank God. You're still here. It wasn't a dream. I smiled a goofy smile, one that I reserved only for her as I sat up and crossed my legs.

"Good morning fool." She set the plates on my bedside table and leaned in to kiss me softly. "How'd you sleep?"

"We didn't sleep." I teased and she smacked me with my pillow, blushing profusely.

"Yes we did. Maybe not a lot, but we definitely did. Thankfully, it's Saturday. So we don't have to do anything, we can just enjoy our day." She got comfortable, shuffling out of her sweatpants and sat cross legged across from me on my bed and spread out a couple napkins on top.

"I see you brought breakfast. What's on the menu today baby?"

"Well, I brought your favorite: waffles." She smiled and placed my plate in front of me. "And I snatched some whipped cream too." She grabbed the bottle and handed it over to me. "And for me... you'll never guess. Drum roll please." I tapped my fingers on my bedside table to create a drum roll sound and she giggled. "French toast! With some powdered sugar, strawberries, and maple syrup." I looked at her with admiration as I saw how big she smiled eagerly while looking at the plate. Most girls pretend they're not hungry, or try to cut down on what they actually eat. This is why I'm so fucking obsessed with you, because you don't fake anything. You're you and you love who you are.

"Let's eat." I smiled and ripped a piece of my french toast, mixing it with whipped cream and maple syrup, and popped it in her mouth. She smiled at the taste of it.

"I've missed breakfast in bed." She told me and I rubbed my hand up and down her bare thigh.

"Me too." I reassured her.

We kept eating, talking, catching up on what we had missed in these months apart, playfully throwing a strawberry or two at each other. I have missed this. It's been way too long. I watched her as she spoke about her Christmas at the Weasley's, though I didn't pay too much attention towards the end because just then the sun had hit her directly, and she looked radiant under it. Her black hair contrasted perfectly with her tan skin, and her amber eyes looked even prettier in this lighting. She always talks about how much she loves my grey eyes but they're nothing compared to hers. Once we finished up eating, we put our plates aside and played with each other's fingers as we planned out our day.

First, we would have to take a shower. I particularly looked forward to this part. Then, we would have to clean up the room, being extra clean was something to be expected with Kat back in my life. Afterwards, we would head out to Hogsmeade, get some butterbeer, and have a picnic in our special spot there, one which no one knew about. All in all, our first official day back together seemed perfect.

"I'm going to go shower." She said and jumped up quickly. I scrambled to get up and follow her. Just when she was about to head out the door to go to the bathroom, she turned around and stopped me. "Where do you think you're going, fool?"

"What do you mean? In with you." Obviously.

"Have you lost your mind? The Carrows will see us and murder me." She said as she put on her sweatpants.

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