Chapter 10: Amortentia

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(finally the chapter you guys have been requesting... enjoy.)



Mal's POV

A couple weeks had flown by and the commotion of Harry being picked as a TriWizard competitor had not blown over, if anything it's increased since then. Cedric was also chosen, and despite me being very happy for him I'm also incredibly worried. As Draco said, those tasks are dangerous, what if something would happen to him? Draco would not be too mad about that. I laughed humorlessly as I thought about this. They had already completed the first task, the dragons. Cedric and Harry both got out safely but a new rumor and romance had started spreading across Hogwarts.

"What do we have here?" Fred snatched the most recent issue of the Prophet from Mione's hand and began reading out loud "'Close-Knit Friendship or Blooming New Romance?--'" Mione tried to snatch the paper away.

"Give it!" Mione insisted but Fred got up so Mione couldn't reach and kept reading.

"'Youngest TriWizard Competitor and legend Harry Potter was found affectionately embracing young Hogwarts' bright witch Hermione Granger before his first task...' ooo 'affectionately' huh?" Fred teased and Mione finally gave up and slumped on her seat, "'Could this be the start of a blooming new romance at Hogwarts? We'll find out.' Hermione Granger... tsk tsk tsk... who knew you would have time to date and hit the books?"

"My sister? Dating?" I exaggerated my words as I snatched the paper away from Fred.

"And not just dating..." George began.

"Dating the 'legend' Harry Potter." The twins and I all said at the same time and the whole table laughed with us.

"Shut up." Mione pouted and turned to have her back facing us. I rolled my eyes and went to sit next to her, tugging playfully at a strand of her frizzy hair.

"C'mon Mione, don't be mad."

"I'm not mad at you." She answered curtly.

"Am I supposed to believe that?"

"It's true. I'm not mad, not at you." She glanced over to another table where Ron was with his new 'girlfriend', Lavender. She was nice, I guess, but clearly too touchy. She's like gum, she never wants to be away from Ron, everytime I glance over at them they're locking lips. "It's disgusting, honestly." Mione rolled her eyes and I turned to look at them and saw them locking lips again. That's not even kissing, she's freaking eating his face.

"He can not possibly be enjoying that, can he? I mean that looks disgusting." I tried to cheer her up.

"I wouldn't know." She shrugged but I didn't fail to hear that tone of longing and sadness in her voice. "Can you... tell me? What it's like when you and Cedric... you know."

I felt heat rise to my cheeks at her intimate question. "Oh... I mean first of all it shouldn't be anything like that at all. That is disgusting, definitely. And we don't do it all the time, I mean he just occasionally steals a kiss from me here and there. It's not bad, I mean just between you and me..." we both leaned in closer and I whispered, "it gets kind of boring when it goes on for a while."

"Boring? Shouldn't it be a 'thrilling' experience? According to many books, isn't it supposed to be like your heartbeat speeds up and you blush and all that."

"I don't know, I guess it just wasn't like that for me." I shrugged and started pulling my hair up into a ponytail.

"Doesn't that mean that maybe, you just don't like him like that?" What?

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