Chapter - 5 : Meeting With The 'Man'

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Crumpling in tears was not a reaction any normal human would have to a letter. But Ava wasn't a normal human - she was a WITCH!
Leah cuddled her in her arms, silently patting Ava's head. Ava could believe what she was reading! But she knew that it was very much real.


Two days passed. Ava has now gotten over her initial shock and was almost very excited. But the prospect of leaving her sister, scared her. She was always the odd girl of her class, never really fitting in with anyone, so she'd never made any friends in her school.

Her only friend and family was her sister who she loved more than her life! Going away from her? It was an unbearable thought to Ava. But Leah convinced that it was the right thing to do. And plus she'd see her for Christmas and Easter and they could spend the whole of her summer together. She even promised to send her letters as much as possible - keeping her updated with everything that would be happening.

Ava believed her because she could hear Leah's thoughts - another quality of hers she'd never mentioned to anyone before except to Leah after reading her father's letter. It made sense to tell her at the time because, well, now no one would call her crazy! Though she knew Leah wouldn't have, she didn't want to test it out.

When Leah heard about the mind reading thing, she was oddly rational about it as if Ava could spit out fire from her mouth and even that wouldn't bother her.

But Ava was mostly grateful for Leah, "Such an understanding and caring sister!" she always thought.

As she was lost in her thoughts, she heard a knock on the door. She got up wondering whether it was the man named Hagrid her father talked about.

Man was an understatement.

As she opened the door she saw someone at least 10 feet tall. His face was almost completely hidden by a long, shaggy mane of hair and a wild, tangled beard. But beneath all this, you could make out his eyes - glinting like black beetles.

Now she knew what her father had meant when he said that man wasn't exactly the right term for him, but he still seemed to be a very friendly person.

Next to him, she saw a small boy who looked almost her age - maybe younger by a year or two, with black messy hair and bright green eyes behind his cello-taped glasses. He looked much younger for he wore clothes that were definitely too big for him.

"Hullo! Me name's Hagrid! And this is Harry. Can we come in?"


Yay! We've been acquainted with Hagrid and Harry now! I cant wait for you guys to read the future chapters! Hope you're enjoying!

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