Chapter - 12 : Discovery of A New Talent

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"Hurry up. We haven't got all day." Ava heard Griphook mumble behind her.

Hagrid helped her pile some of money too. And with that they moved to the last vault they had to visit that day - vault 713.

Vault 713 had no keyhole.

"Stand back." said Griphook importantly. He stroked the door gently with one of his long fingers and it simply melted away.

With a vault with such high security, there ought to be some special jewels or an ocean of money. But all there seemed to be was a small grubby package wrapped in brown paper lying on the floor. It was a mystery as to what was in the package for Ava couldn't read Hagrid's thoughts. And the kids knew better than to ask Hagrid about it.

One wild cart-ride later, they stood blinking in the sunlight outside Gringotts.

"Might as well get yer uniforms," said Hagrid, pointing the way to a shop called Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions.

"Hagrid, wait!" Ava almost screamed at him. Shocked at her impulsive behaviour he stood there like a stone.

"Hagrid I want to try something first," Ava tried to calm her sudden commanding voice. "Harry, I want you to stand still."

Harry did as he was told. Ava closed her eyes and concentrated hard and suddenly she was able to hear every single thought Harry had ever had. She felt such pity towards him as she saw the flashes of how the Dursley's treated Harry. And all about when Hagrid had told him about his parents being killed by a dark wizard. She was sure Harry could see what she was seeing. It could've been five minutes or five hours, Ava couldn't understand, but she broke herself free from the concentration.

Thank god! It appeared to be only a minute.

Harry stood there, flabbergasted as to what had just happened.
"How- what- how-?" he stammered.

"I don't know, I just knew what I had to do. I don't know what my ability is called but I can hear people's thoughts," Ava admitted, "I know it's weird, odd almost, but isn't everything happening right now?" she almost laughed out loud.

"True," Harry said, though he was still in shock but seemed to be recovering well.

"Yer are a legilimence?" Hagrid's was completely white - like that of a ghost.

"What's a legilimence?" Ava asked

"A person who can hear someone else's thoughts without tryin' too hard ter do it. At least that's what me understands from the word," Hagrid answered.

"Oh. Then I must be."


So Ava finally found out about her power! And you have no idea, there are so many more to come! <3

Can we have a discussion today?

So I read a canon somewhere that the Dursleys were really mean to Harry partly because Harry was a Horcrux. And Hurcruxes usually bring out the worst insecurities of a person, as we know from the Deathly Hallows book. So what do you think? Do you think this was the reason? Or was it just that the Dursleys had no kindness among them at all? What do you reckon?

Please put all of your thoughts in the comments! I'd love, love, love to hear them! (Kinda ironic, don't you think? Me wanting to listen to your thoughts? XD - this is a laughter emoji for those of you who didn't understand hehehe)

Even if you're reading this chapter months after it being posted, I'd love to hear your opinion about it!

But comment, vote, share and follow!


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