Kell's POV
"Babe, you're mad" shaking my head. She giggles saying "I know." I roll my eyes saying "you're a weirdo." She leans against me saying "what are we doing today, Kells?" I say "well, Miss. Dahlia, were going to try and figure out why you don't like cotton candy. Its like the best!" She says "the song is so sexy though, the food is really sugary, it makes me feel awful." I say "at least we agree on the song though." She says "its so sexy. I love it." I say "mmm, it just feels good." She says "mmm" and we go to the cafeteria because we have nothing to do during break at school. Dahlia says "I'll be back, I have to redo my eyeliner." I chuckle saying "k, miss. Beauty Queen." She says "I always gotta look good, Kells" her heels of her demonias hitting the floor loudly as she walks. I chuckle, mumbling "shes so into herself in the best way possible." I go into the cafeteria and sit down with the guys that are stoners and into sports. Somehow that happened in this school, its a special mixture alright. One of the guys lean against me saying "no homo" making me subtly roll my eyes. I say "whats with you?" He says "sore from practice." I say "got it, understandable" chuckling. One of the guys say "you guys are so gay for each other." I chuckle saying "he said no homo but call it what you want" making my friend leaning on me, smack me. I chuckle saying "get over yourself. Stop being so insecure" sarcastically. We laugh and Dahlia comes in and a guy walks up to her, putting his arm around her. A few of the guys tell me "go take care of your girl." I say "shes not my girl but I'm going to help her because they aren't leaving" getting up. I put my hand in her back pocket saying "mine" to the guy. He seems offended then he leaves. She says "thanks, he was being a pervert" rolling her eyes. I say "your eyeliner looks good." She says "thanks, I actually used a mirror this time." I chuckle saying "fair point." Dahlia says "take your hand out of my pocket." I say "mm, I'll think about it." She says "Kells, stop" laughing. I laugh, taking my hand out of her pocket. I put my arm around her shoulders saying "What do you have for homework?" She says "nothing so far and I only have a study hall after this and I won't get anything from that." I say "nice, I don't have anything either." Dahlia says "hmm, nice" sitting in my lap when I sit at the table. One of the guys say "are you sure she isn't your girl?" I say "yes" rolling my eyes. Dahlia mumbles "you're too gay for that." I laugh saying "was that a compliment or an insult?" She says "both. I think I found my new man" turning around. All the guys tease her by saying "ooooo" like their middle schoolers. I chuckle and I turn around, mumbling "ooo, damn." Dahlia mumbles "he's totally gay, you should go for it." I say "again, you're mad." I mumble "I'm gonna die I think." He looks like a complete softie, he's so cute. This guy has to be 5'9", shaggy dark hair, green eyes I think, tight jeans, glasses, sharp jawline, yummy. Dahlia says "you're welcome, Kells." I say "I hate you so much." I mumble "I think I like him a lot." She says "hes like Mikey Way 2010 meets modern day and younger. Mikey still says he won't date me. What a shame." I laugh and a guy says "you don't even know Mikey Way." I say "let her dream" chuckling. People don't know I'm connected to people like My Chemical Romance and Blink, all people know is that I do music but they don't know know my music ya know? The know of my music but not that I'm Machine Gun Kelly, like that I actually got anywhere with my music, now thats the coolest, right? I like having a different life from school. The only thing that connects school and my career is Dahlia and a teacher thats absolutely obsessed with Machine Gun Kelly but kind of hates me. I love that. That guy is a cutie. Dahlia says "you're staring, Kells." I mumble "shut up" and she mumbles "no" leaning against me. One of the guys say "he's cute." He means it as just a compliment not that he wants to fuck him. I say "I just wanna touch him." I look him up and down one more time and he blushes, biting his lip when my eyes meet his. I wink at him and I turn back around. Another one of the guys say "he's blushing and looking at us, who's he in love with?" We all chuckle and Dahlia says "you couldn't handle dating him guys. He kind of looks like a small Mikey Way though." I say "no, Mikey is lanky that boy small. Mikey is tall and lanky. That boy is just small and its cute and now I'm angry." The guys chuckle and Dahlia says "you're crazy." I say "mhmm, definitely." We laugh and one of the guys say "someones gotta claim him." I say "well, you're a bottom so I don't now how far you'll get." We laugh and he says "I'm not even gay I'm just curious about who's going to claim him." I bite my lip saying "let it happen naturally, boys." All these guys haven't said anything about their sexuality, they just talk about being with everyone. Maybe they're horny or maybe they like everyone, who knows really. Dahlia leans against me and one of the guys say "well, are we talking 1 night stand or like dating?" This sobers me up quickly and I say "he's mine." These guys are good guys but they are just disgusting sometimes so I'm trying to shut it down quickly. They nod and they all start arguing or agreeing with Dahlia about cotton candy the food making me chuckle.

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