Kell's POV
I say "does anyone have questions for us?" A girl says "do you ever ship each other's bands common ships or do you not ship each other if that makes sense?" We hear a lot of screams and as Ashley does his thing to Alex, Alex says "of course we do, I'm Ashleys wine mom now. I'm your wine mom." We laugh and Ashley says "I accept, I ship you guys I don't know about dumbass 1 and 2 over there." I say "yes, you're my boys mom now?" Alex says "wine mom, theres a difference, I'm more caring but a little drunk all the time." We laugh and a girl says "you should have a side project called shiny blonde boys." We laugh and Alex says "omg, lets do it." Travis sits on the end of the couch next to me saying "what are you doing?" I say "will you produce our supergroup called shiny blonde boys?" Travis says "sure, I'm supposed to be making an announcement for someone here. I learned that this person is here and they're here to hang out with you guys. Thought it would be interesting." I say "are we gonna die?" Travis says "maybe?" Then Jeffree Star comes out saying "oh my god, hi guys!" The crowd screams and Ashleys jaw drops. Alex says "were in the presence of a scene queen." Jeffree says "former scene queen I'm just a queen now." Jack says "once a scene queen always a scene queen. Like Travis." Travis says "oh my god" and we laugh. Selena says "I don't know whats happening anymore." I say "me either." Jeffree says "forget lipstick Nick, I'm hiring you, gurl" and Alex says "I have a feeling we all need makeup artists now if its gonna be this boy." Ashley chuckles saying "make shiny boys" and we laugh. Jeffree says "yasss, I'd become a shiny boy everyday if I was under those lights up there because you looking fucking awesome, Kells." I say "thank you, I have an idea. What do we have to do to make Travis a shiny boy?" Travis says "no." I say "come on, it'll be fun!" Travis says "maybe I'll let you at some point for free." Ashley says "thats fun" and we chuckle. Jeffree says "whats your name, queen?" Ashley says "Ashley" and Jeffree says "you're the cutest thing ever, what are you using?" Ashley says "on boy over there I used Fenty Beauty Kilowatt highlighter Girl Next Door, Sarcophogus, and Ice Cold, then I used Mac prime and set but I used the gold 1." Jeffree says "ooo, never tried all those together, it looks really good." Ashley says "then on my now wine mom" making everyone laugh. Ashley says "making a gold boy over here so I'm using Sarcophagus again and Trophy Wife from Fenty." I say "Alex, who's trophy wife are you?" We laugh and Alex says "I'm Jacks trophy wife." Jeffree says "we love a gay moment." Ashley says "of course we do, who doesn't, don't answer that" and we laugh. Jeffree says "gonna trigger everyone." Travis says "I mean why not." We laugh and Travis says "I'm gonna go do tear down because I drove with my kit in my car so, let me go do that" and he leaves. Jeffree says "a drum kit in his car?" I laugh and I say "I did not tell him to do that! He's crazy, of course he's going to do it." We laugh and Jeffree says "I don't think I've ever met him before this, I wanna do his makeup." Everyone screams and I say "collab idea. We'll come on your YouTube channel and pretty boy will do your makeup while you do Travis' makeup and I'll do an awful comedy skit, idea?" Ashley blushes and Jeffree says "I'm so down that would be so much fun!" We laugh and I say "I'll have to convince dad." We laugh and Jeffree says "I watched you on the Kelly Clarkson show and it was fucking awesome." I say "thank you, that was a lot more fun than I thought it would be." Ashley says "this is going to be cold, you ready?" Alex says "I guess so" and he says "oh, I hate it" and Ashley laughs saying "I told you, boy" standing up. I say "shiny boys. Jeffree, wanna join our band its called shiny blonde boys?" Jeffree laughs and he says "how much of a joke is this?" We laugh and I say "complete joke" laughing. A girl asks us "how do you guys feel about Alex's leg thing?" We laugh and Alex says "not my leg thing again." I say "I dunno, I think it's sexy" Ashley sitting next to me, putting my arm around his shoulders. We laugh and Jack says "I think its great." Jeffree says "whats the leg thing?" We laugh and I say "he does this thing with his legs when he's on stage and its sexy." Selena says "I'm hungry." We laugh and I say "same, I think were gonna go now guys. Sorry, were leaving you guys! We love you but were kicking you out so we can leave!" Everyone leaves and Jeffree says "dude, how old are you?" I say "17." Jeffree says "god, I'm old" and we laugh. I smile saying "you don't look it" chuckling. Alex says "lets go, boy! Lets go run down the street!" They leave and Selena goes to watch them. We laugh and I say "I guess you're buying pizza, babe." Jeffree chuckles saying "dude, you guys live in LA?" I say "yeah, ah shit, we got school." Ashley says "no, I'm not gonna go to school." I chuckle saying "you probably should." Jeffree says "what if we get Travis and we make a couple videos like in a couple days? We can play with makeup, hang out, it'll be fun. What do you think?" Ashley looks up at me and I say "sure, lets do it" shrugging. Jeffree says "yay!" I say "lets go ask him" and we walk to the main stage. I say "don't you normally have a crew with you?" Jeffree says "I normally do but I have no idea where they are." We laugh and Jeffree says "oh well, you guys are the cutest and I love you already! This is so weird an adult inviting you guys to their house, weird." I laugh saying "Travis invites me to his house and has no reason for it, its not weird" chuckling. Jeffree chuckles saying "ok, awesome." I say "Trav!" Travis says "yup?" I say "can Jeffree do your makeup for a video for his YouTube channel in a couple days?" Travis says "what day exactly?" Jeffree says "I forgot you have a tight schedule, lets do day after tomorrow, we'll hang out all day, what do you think?" Travis says "yup, lets do it, I'm gonna eat, sleep, then I'm gonna start driving, and I'm good for like noon that day. Yeah, lets do it." Jeffree says "bring your friends and we'll hang out. I'm doing your makeup by the way." Travis says "yeah, sure" shrugging. I say "Bama is gonna be so jealous." We laugh and Jeffree says "were gonna put you in full drag, covering eyebrows, and wigs. It'll be fun. Maybe will do both, who knows." Ashley says "put him in drag and do Kells' makeup." Jeffree claps saying "yes, lets do it. Then we can just do a random video? Yup, lets do this." I say "lets do it" and we let Travis finish packing everything up and I order pizza to our hotel room as we walk back.

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