Kell's POV
Everyone socializes with each other and Kelly says "you guys are really cool, you guys are what, 17?" I nod saying "yeah, we are, thank you." Ashley looks at the ground and one of her friends say "you guys are the cutest things ever" and everyone agrees. Ashley blushes and I say "awww" and he pokes my side. I say "touché touché" and everyone laughs. A girl says "what do you think the APMAS are gonna be like? I've always wanted to go." I say "I don't know, I grew up listening to everyone going so I might a few breakdowns" laughing. Everyone laughs and I say "yeah, it's gonna be nuts" everyone chuckling. A girl says "I heard Blink was going." I say "I don't think they are or Travis would've not been here this morning." Ashley shrugs saying "maybe, he could get there by day after tomorrow if he started driving when he did leave anyways" looking up at me. I say "you have a point but I feel like I'd know if they were wether I was told or not." Everyone chuckles and another one of them says "Black Veil Brides is supposed to be there too." I say "they are?! I haven't looked at who's gonna be there. I'm excited and terrified at the same time." Ashley leans against me and he says "you'll be fine" chuckling. I say "no, I'm gonna die." He rolls his eyes saying "stop being so dramatic." Everyone laughs and 1 of the woman say "are you guys together because that would be so cute" and all the woman practically giggle. The guys chuckle and the bartender says "clearly the way he stands up for the slut." I go up to him saying "what the fuck is your problem?" This guy is from the hood and definitely not good with me, the murderer part, like not the 1 you can chill with and smoke. He can clearly read me. He's a white hood poser, not kidding. The whitest poser ever, I mean I look like a poser to the punk community but that's different. He comes out from behind the counter and I say "I'm fucking scared" rolling my eyes. He says "you're half my age, kid, like you can kick my ass." I say "where you from?" He says "none of your business." I say "poser." He says "I'm not a poser." I say "you're clearly a guy that pretends he's from the hood" rolling his eyes. 1 of these dudes that are very country by the way, says "dude, leave, what is your problem?" The guy leaves and I shake the country guys hand and he says "I'm sorry about that guy, I hired him, my fault." I say "its alright, man, I'm not in the place to kick him out but I can threaten him, ya know?" He chuckles saying "I get it, yeah. Sorry about the women when they get tipsy its a whole thing." We chuckle and I say "its cool, man" and we lean against the bar, Ashley standing on the end next to me. I put my hand in his back pocket and he pulls away. I say "what?" He gives me a look and he mumbles "hands off the merchandise." I chuckle saying "sorry" and he leans against me. The guy chuckles saying "you guys are like the most chill kids I've ever met." I chuckle saying "I don't know how chill we are but this guy is just a shy one and I'm just aggressive." We chuckle and Ashley says "no, you're chill 90 percent of the time." We all chuckle and I say "whats the other 1o?" Ashley says "a giant ball of rage." We laugh and the guy says "thats nice" and we laugh our asses off. 1 of the woman say "what are you guys laughing at?" I say "I don't even know" laughing. Ashley says "were laughing at your dumbass." I say "right" and we laugh. I put my hand on his hip and he moves away from me. I stand in front of him saying "are you ok?" He looks down and he nods. I say "whats wrong cause I know somethings bothering you." He looks up at the ceiling saying "I'm fine." I say "Ashley baby, look at me and tell me whats wrong." He looks me in the eyes and I put my hands on either side of him on the bar. He says "I didn't like it when he was touching me, I'm sorry, I keep thinking its him when you touch me even though I know its you." I hold his hand and I draw my fingers up his chest and he just looks at me as I do this. I draw my fingers all over his upper body and Ashley says "stop" smiling. I say "no" smiling. I grab a guitar after asking the country dude that was talking to us for it. I go up onto the stage and a woman says "play Jawbreaker!" I chuckle saying "you guys like that song a lot?" They all cheer and I say "when I wrote that I was singing it all day, it doesn't come out of your head. That certainly was an eventful day" and everyone laughs and I got Ashley blushing. I sit on a stool on the stage and I sing Jawbreaker. Ashley comes and leans against the stage, looking up at me. I smile as I sing. Ashley bites his lip and I finish the song. I say "has anyone ever sang Ashley by Escape Thee Fate to you?" Ashley says "actually no" and I say "really? Hmm, I thought I would be the last 1 to think of that. Well, I'm gonna sing that song because its stuck in my head but were gonna switch it up a bit, is that ok?" None of these people have ever heard of Ashley by Escape The Fate so they were on edge a bit. I figure out chords while I talk to Ashley and I say "ok, I've figured it out." Everyone cheers and I play Ashley, making my princess a blushing mess. Everyone aww's, cheering, and a couple people saying "get a relationship like that." I chuckle and everyone hangs out for a few hours and eventually Ashley and I go to my house.

Jawbreaker, He Tastes Like Candy, Star Chaser. [MGK] {BXB}Where stories live. Discover now