Kell's POV
I say "hey, can I come over?" "Yup, come on over." I see my mom walking to bed and I say "can. I use your car?" Mom says "yup, knock yourself out" and I get the keys, getting in the car. I get to his house and Gerard says "you look dead, whats wrong?" I say "overwhelmed" and he lets me in. Gerard sits on the couch saying "come here" and I lay on the couch, resting my head in his lap. Gerard says "where are you at right now?" I say "listening to you" quietly. Gerard says "tell me whats happening" running his hands through my hair. I say "music videos all week, recording all day tomorrow, and I'm just tired. I'm gonna have so much homework." Frank comes in saying "fuck your homework, your career is set in stone. If you graduate, good job. If you don't, who gives a fuck. You're doing amazing already, your career can't go anywhere but forwards now unless you become a child predator." I smile saying "thanks Frank." Gerard says "Travis will walk you through everything, I know that about him you'll get a break because Travis will give you one if you need one. You're almost there with your album. Everything is set to go in 2 weeks then you'll have like a week before you have to do shit." I say "you're right" sitting up. I say "you guys need to make a comeback." Gerard says "that's ridiculous." Frank says "did you see the Jonas brothers thing?" I say "yeah, thats a sign, Franklin." Frank says "no it's not, fucking Disney bitches." Gerard says "we don't have a drummer so how?" I say "if I tell Travis you guys are going to do a thing at the APMAS we can do a thing and Travis will be your drummer." Frank says "do you have a plan?" I say "of course I do. Please do it." Gerard says "I don't know. Thats a lot on Travis." I say "really? He's always doing everything, I'm sure he'll do it." I lean on Gerard saying "come on, please." Gerard says "I'll talk to the guys and we'll think about it." I say "fine." Gerard says "you dating anyone yet?" I say "kind of." Frank says "what does kind of mean?!" We laugh and I say "were just not official yet." Gerard says "like how close to official are you?" I say "like wait a few days and I ask him to be my boyfriend he'd say yes." Gerard says "so like, right there." I say "yeah." Gerard says "tell me about him!" I say "his names Ashley, he's shy but confident when he does speak, small but not Frank small. He's cute small not scary small." We laugh and Frank says "I'm scary small?" I say "yes, you're small and you can be scary." We laugh and Gerard says "tell me more!" I say "oh my god, I just remembered something. Dahlia was saying that he looks like Mikey which I don't agree with." We laugh and Gerard says "she's probably a bit crazy." I nod saying "mhmm." Gerard says "do you have a picture of him?" I say "yes because my friends like to stalk him on Instagram" going to his Instagram. We laugh and I show them a picture of Ashley. Gerard says "he's the cutest thing ever. I wanna hug him" chuckling. I say "right?" We laugh and Gerard says "I have a feeling that he's a nerd, what kind of nerd is he do you think?" I say "I have no clue, I have a feeling he's an artist. He talks about makeup with Alabama all the time but he doesn't wear any so I'm guessing he's an artist." Gerard says "thats so cute, I want to meet him at some point." I chuckle saying "yup, you will at some point I hope." Gerard says "whats his name?" I say "Ashley." Gerard says "omg, so cute." We chuckle and I say "I have to sleep or I'm gonna be dead tomorrow" and Gerard hugs me saying "I forgot how tall you are." We chuckle and I say "whoops." We laugh and Gerard says "if we stack 2 Franks up it would be as tall as you." We laugh and Frank says "shut up" chuckling. I say "I'll see you guys another time." Gerard says "yeah" pulling away and I go home. I fall asleep as soon as I lay on my bed.
The next morning
I wake up and I immediately start getting ready to go to the studio. I text Ashley saying:
Me: good morning, beautiful, I'm leaving my house now, come to the studio if you want. If not thats ok, we can hang out later tonight just let me know. I'll see you, princess.
I skateboard to the studio after saying bye to my mom and when I get there Travis hands me coffee. I say "thank you" yawning. He says "I know you would want one and we don't want to be screaming at each other by the end of the day." I say "whats the plan?" Travis says "were recording the rest of the songs minus Bodybag and we have to figure out everything for the song you just wrote, ok?" I say "yup, wanna do that song first then we can do the rest of it?" Travis says "yup, sure. You wanna do vocals and I'll see what I can put in there for you?" I say "yup, lets do it" and I go into the booth, tune my guitar, and plug it into the amp. I finish the song and I say "what do you think?" Travis says "good, I've got an idea" and we switch. I sit in his chair on the other side of the glass and he says "switch the main mic off, click record, and play the track back into my headphones." I say "yup" and I do what he told me to. He finishes saying "play it all together please." I play all the tracks together and I say "I really like that. Thats good" and Travis says "yeah, thats really good. I'm gonna put bass on there then that will be done, ok?" I say "yup" and he plays bass in the booth for the song. When he's done he says "so, you're going to do all your vocals, were going to take a break then we'll do everything else. You can do guitars for all the songs while you do vocals if you want." I say "I'll do that, lets me go home sooner." we chuckle and Travis says "me too, easier mastering the song actually." I nod and Travis says "ok, lets go, boy."

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