Kell's POV
I rap all of rap devil, giving me an A on the test. The teacher says "you have a good voice you should do something music related when you get out of here." I say "trust me, I'm going to." A girl says "do you know till I die?" I chuckle saying "yeah, that takes a lot of energy." It's really cool when you hear people are fans of you. The girl says "sing another song, you're really good." I say "ok" and I sing Bloody Valentine and the teacher says "that sounds familiar." I say "from where?" She says "my brothers played this recording for me and it sounded like that." I say "who are your brothers?" She says "Madden, they're in the studio all the time." I say "those guys are the coolest, never met them but I love Good Charlotte more than I love anyone else" laughing. Covering tracks really fast. Dahlia says "except Megan Fox." I say "fair" laughing. I go to the Kelly Clarkson Instagram page and it says I'm gonna be on next week. I guess the albums coming out next week. I say "if anyone's interested Machine Gun Kelly is going to be on the Kelly Clarkson show next week with Travis Barker." A girl says "what a coincidence. I'm so ready." A guy says "that dude seems very full of himself." A girl says "MGK seems like a nice guy." I make an Instagram post that says 'ALBUMS OUT NEXT FRIDAY!!!' Travis messages me saying:
Travis: that's right fucker albums next Friday I finished it last night we just have to do the thing with Dom and finish that and finish the videos then we're done, k?
Me: awesome, later, Trav
Travis: later
I go to Travis' Instagram and it's a picture of me and him with me scribbled out saying 'you get to see this boy next Friday. He's a tall boy that's all you get for clues.' He tagged me and I post it on my Instagram and I say 'I'm a pretty boy too.' I hear Dahlia laugh saying "you're weird." I say "mhmm" laughing. The teacher says "man, who's excited for the Machine Gun Kelly album?" I say "fucking me" and everyone laughs. I'm so ready for people to hear it like I'm gonna go insane. The teacher says "you a fan?" I say "something like that, yeah" yawning. The teacher says "favorite song?" I say "I don't really have one, I have a feeling the new albums gonna be fucking awesome. My favorite right now is definitely I Think I'm Okay." She says "what do you think of him putting different songs in only 1 store?" I say "I think that it's cool. I have a feeling it's going to be like going to a concert and hearing the songs before they are even released yet. Ya know?" She says "you have a point. What do you think about the features like Bodybag? I feel like its going to be not that good." I say "but it has Bert from The Used on it, I have a good feeling about that one honestly. It has YUNGBLUD on it too. I have a good feeling about it, like it's gonna be awesome." I'm so fucking excited to do that song. I might kiss Bert on the mouth too I'm so excited. I just have to tell Ashley I'm gonna make out with Bert from The Used. Maybe he'd be fine with it. Who knows. The bell rings and I say "woohoo" yawning. When everyone leaves I say "hey, can you keep a secret?" The teacher says "teacher student confidentiality, Colson." Dahlia leans against me and I go through videos of Travis and I recording. I play a video of me singing all of Bodybag because I just had to get it out. At the end Travis says "that was good, like I'm ready to have that on repeat" and I turn the video off. I say "what do you think?" She says "that was awesome! That you?" I say "yup" and she says "is that an original?" I say "yup" and the Madden brothers are in the doorway. Joel says "dude, what song was that?" I say "one of the bonus tracks." Joel says "fucking sick, you need to get some people on that song." I say "there's gonna be a couple." Benji says "is Dom gonna be on it?" I say "shhhh." They laugh and Joel says "that would be beautiful if he was." Dahlia says "I need to get better at meeting famous people but like I love you guys. I wore snap backs and bandanas together for years and still do because of you and I learned to play guitar because of you." Joel says "I like this one can I keep her?" The teacher says "Joel be good. I'm still not connecting but whatever." We laugh and I say "no, you can't have her" laughing. Dahlia says "the one time I want you to sell me out you don't. That one time!" We laugh and Joel says "we'll kidnap you, it'll be fine." We laugh and Ashley comes in saying "Kells, what did you do?" I say "I didn't do anything!" Alabama says "hurry up, you're slowwwww." I say "fine, fine! I'll see you guys later." Joel says "hey, kid, what are you doing tomorrow?" I say "video with bear." He says " nice, I wanna work with that kid. He's cool." I say "he is cool, I'm sure he'd want to work with you honestly." Alabama says "I might not be here tomorrow, I wanna hang out with bear." I chuckle saying "ask your father" and we leave. Ashley leans against me as we walk. I say "hi" and he says "hi" squeezing my hand then letting go. I say "how are you?" Ashley says "good, where are we going?" I say "to that ones house because Travis has something for me." Alabama says "I don't even know what it is." We get to their house and we go in, saying "what do you have for me, Trav?" He says "well, boy, you're tall and I kind of found this Jack Skellington onesie that should fit you" laughing. We laugh and I say "oh my god, really?!" Travis says "yeah" laughing and throws a onesie at me. I say "oh my god, I love it" laughing. Travis says "go put it on" laughing. I go to the bathroom and I put it on. Once its on I yell "HAH FUCKERS, IT FITS!" They laugh and I slide on the floor with my socks. They laugh and I say "I am not taking this off." We laugh and I say "I love it" laughing. I put the hood up and Travis takes a picture of me. Alabama says "you look so cute" reaching up to squish my cheeks. We laugh and Alabama drags us upstairs making Travis chuckle. Ashley kisses me and he says "I wanna do your makeup." Alabama says "ooo, its been a while since I've done that." I groan and Ashley says "please?!" I say "fine" and I sit down.

Jawbreaker, He Tastes Like Candy, Star Chaser. [MGK] {BXB}Where stories live. Discover now