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Kell's POV
Everyone is hanging out around my friends, Brandon's, car for some reason after school. The guy walks by with a few people. A few of the guys hanging out with me cat call him. He looks at me, bites his lip, and walks over. He looks at everyone innocently but knowing, saying "who did that?" He just seems like he always has this innocent look in his eyes. It's cute, I love it. I say "you guys are dicks" rolling my eyes. They shrug and I say "I'm sorry about them, it wont happen again. If it does I'll kick their asses. I'm sorry about them." He shyly says "its ok. I have a question." I say "I might be able to answer." He looks away, smiling. He shyly says "why were you looking at me earlier?" I say "you're cute, of course I was looking at you." He blushes and he gives me a piece of paper. He says "I'll see you later" biting his lip and he walks away with the other people he was with. They guys say "whats it say?" I say "I'm not reading it in front of you" rolling my eyes. We all talk for a little bit and an old nice Cadillac pulls up and Travis rolls the windows down, saying "get in" wearing his sunglasses looking fly as all hell. As always. Dahlia says "oh my god, I missed you so much." Travis chuckles and he says "you too, kid." My friends have a moment of jaw dropping and Travis speeds away as soon as we get in the car. I say "nice" and he fist bumps me. Travis says "where you at on the album?" I say "I have a couple songs that aren't finished and I don't know what to do for the last song." Travis says "do whatever you want, I don't have any ideas." We get to the studio and Alabama and Landon are there. I say "what do we do now? I dont even know why I'm here." Dahlia says "read the note!" I say "fine fine. Trav, what are we doing?" Travis says "just brainstorm, hangout, record if we figure out anything. I say "ok, I'm gonna read it." Dahlia says "fucking read it then! I'm impatient." We all laugh and Alabama says "what note?" I say "from someone." Alabama says "wow, now thats descriptive, Kells." I say "ok I'll read it now. It says here's a piece of paper with numbers on it. -Ashley. His number is right here" and we chuckle. Dahlia says "he's the cutest thing ever" chuckling. Dahlia says "he's so cute!" Alabama says "I want to meet pretty boy, no fair." We chuckle and I say "come to school then and you can." Landon says "you guys are boy crazy." I say "no, he's just cute." Dahlia says "mmm, he could kill me and the sad thing is I wouldn't fight back" and we laugh. I say "ya know what? Me either" and we laugh harder. I put his number into my phone and I say "ok, what do we want to record?" Travis says "we could record vocals for the bonus tracks? Or we could record what we have left of the album minus the songs we don't have, or we could do both if you want?" I say "how much is both?" Travis says "like 10 songs including Target exclusive." I say "which songs?" Travis says "all of the bonus tracks, we have a scheduled date for everyone to do Bodybag and all the collabs, those are all next week. Then we have title track and kiss kiss and then you have to figure out what you want to do for music videos because were doing a face reveal interview before we make the videos. So, the videos are going to be one of the first times they see your face, no pressure." I chuckle saying "thanks, Trav. So, we could record main album songs and plan videos today then record bonus track and Target exclusive tomorrow? Then maybe plan for video shoots and stuff because don't we want to get like Blackbear on my ex's best friend video?" Travis says "true, you have a point" and I get in the booth, listening to Travis' directions. Travis says "just sing it how you want then we'll go from there, good?" I give him a thumbs up and we start recording.
A couple hours later
We finally finish the 2 songs and Travis says "thats a wrap, Kells" and we cheer, chuckling. Landon says "I'm going out with my friends, I'll be home later." Travis says "k, just let me know where you are." We go to Travis' house and Alabama brings us to her room. Alabama says "I'm finding this guy on Instagram." I chuckle and I say "you won't be able to find him." Alabama says "you never know" chuckling. Alabama says "this guy just has to be the cutest, his name is Ashley, come on." Dahlia says "he looks like a mini more shy version of Mikey Way." I say "no he doesn't! Mikey's blonde! I think you're just obsessed with Mikey Way" chuckling. Dahlia says "mmm, Mikey is the best." Alabama says "I'm coming to school tomorrow." I say "great, its been awhile." She says "I know, just needed a bit of a break from school people." I nod saying "understandable, yeah." We all sit around and Alabama sits behind me, messing around with my hair. She says "your hair is getting long" running her fingers through my hair. Her acrylics touch my scalp and I say "let me see your nails" and she gives me her hand. I say "those are the coolest." She says "they glow in he dark!" I chuckle saying "thats awesome" and she keeps running her fingers through my hair. I look over to Dahlia to see her taking a video of us. I say "hi" and we all laugh and Dahlia turns the camera off. Alabama says "your hair is so soft bleached. Its like no fair." I say "your hair looks so soft too though." She says "I have to condition the hell out of it though." I say "me too." Alabama says "not too much of a deal really. I just go through more of it than the average person. I also have a lot of hair so." Dahlia says "like half a bottle a night." Alabama says "really though" laughing. I say "what are we gonna do?" Alabama says "paint your nails." I say "ok, go for it." We chuckle and Alabama goes to get whatever she needs and she says "yay, I haven't gotten to do this in a while." Travis knocks and opens the door saying "you'll never guess who I got to do the Bloody Valentine music video."

Jawbreaker, He Tastes Like Candy, Star Chaser. [MGK] {BXB}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang