Kell's POV
I say "this mustache isn't coming off, I'm keeping it" and we all laugh. Travis says "I hate it" laughing. I laugh saying "me too." This mustache is absolutely ridiculous. Travis says "give me your phone." I hand him my phone and he takes a picture of me, laughing his ass off. I laugh saying "ok, I hate it" taking the fake mustache off. Mod Sun says "thats a wrap, folks!" Then he turns to me saying "it was really cool working with you today, you're a good kid. Maybe we could work on something different next time?" I say "yeah totally, you're amazing, I'm like so down" and we chuckle. Travis and I start to leave and the camera guy from earlier comes up to me saying "here's my address and my number, you should come over later." This guy is trying to make me his sub and I hate it, don't go quiet. I say "sorry, I'm not interested in what you're looking for." He says "you're sure?" I say "yes, I'm sure." This is uncomfortable, Travis save me. The guy says "come on, let me fuck you." I say "no, not into that, sorry." The guy says "so you're straight?" Travis says "hey, Kells, were gonna be late, lets go, boy." Thank you, Travis. I say "yup" grabbing my board and we walk out of the building. Travis says "what was that guys problem?" I say "wanted to fuck me, his words not mine. Was trying to top me, it was weird. I hated it." Travis chuckles saying "now that hasn't happened before, its normally a girl wanting to be your slave. I don't judge but that's normally whats happening." We laugh and I say "I didn't like it especially that he was taking video of us all day, hated it" and we get to the entrance. The dude nods at us, its a different dude then this morning, and he says "have a good day, boys." He has to be like 70 and he seems like a nice dude. I say "you too" and Travis says "well, thats a nice guy. That camera guy was weirding me out." I say "mmm, I'm uncomfortable, theres still an hour of school left, I'm gonna get my homework for today, I guess." Travis says "we have to leave early because tomorrow's video is legit in he middle of nowhere." I say "ok, I'm ready" yawning. Travis and I go our separate ways and I go to school. When I get there I check into the office then I go to homeroom because thats all thats left of the day. One of my friends say "oh look, pretty boy is here. Where were you?" I say "thats right, I'm here, and I was hanging out with a friend that I haven't seen in a while" sitting next to him. He says "you smell good." I say "thanks?" We laugh and the teacher says "were you excused the whole day?" I say "yeah, should be." She says "yup, you are, great. How was everyones day?" Everyone shrugs and I say "it was alright" yawning. Dahlia comes into the room saying "where were you?" I say "hanging out with a friend I haven't seen in a while." Dahlia says "you mean hanging out with your friend that you see almost 24/7?" I say "yup" and the class laughs. I chuckle saying "whoops." I text Travis saying:
Me: what am I doing for my face reveal interview thing?
Travis: the day the album goes out you're going on the Kelly Clarkson show, hang out for a little bit, I'm going with you, and we're gonna do a couple songs. I knew you probably wouldn't want to do it with just any interviewer so I think it would be less weird with her, ya know?
Me: totally, I'll see you tomorrow
Travis: yup
I show Dahlia my phone and she says "that's so exciting I wanna go!" I laugh saying "ask dad" and we laugh harder. Jaden says "you guys siblings now?" I say "no, we call 1 of my friends dad as a joke and it annoys him a lot." We laugh and Travis sends me:
Travis: I have something for you it's at my house if you wanna come get it later
Me: ok I'll be there later
I say "he got me something, how sweet. Awwww" and Dahlia says "Travis?" I laugh saying "yeah. He didn't even tell me what it was!" She laughs saying "we're going together." I say "where's Bama?" Dahlia says "across the hall." I say "can I go across the hall?" The teacher says "sure" and I go across the hall. I say "Miss. Barker?" Alabama laughs saying "sir?" I say "I am coming to your house later." She says "I'll walk with you then." I say "amazing, do you have your skateboard?" She says "yeah, I got it." I say "awesome" and she laughs when I leave. I go back to class and Dahlia stole my seat. I say "give me my seat back. She says "no" and I pick her up, sitting down, and she sits in my lap. I say "saying no doesn't do much when you're light." A few people laugh and Dahlia says "you're mean." I say "I know, life is so rough" sarcastically. We laugh and the teacher plays music during class. She plays rap devil and says "if someone can rap this, you can have an A on you test tomorrow." Dahlia says "right now?" The teacher says "yeah, right now." I mumble "I wrote that a long time ago" rubbing my forehead. I mumble "god I was so mad" then I laugh at myself. Eminem and I weren't mad at each other, we're cool so we actually didn't write about each other. I wrote about something else that I was mad about. A girl says "he doesn't show his face, I bet he's hot." Dahlia says "I can rap it." I mumble "you messed up last time." She says "you're mean." The teacher restarts the song and I say "I'm gonna judge your every word." Dahlia says "I know." The teacher says "if you get this I'll love you forever." All the girls are talking about how they think I'm hot well, Machine Gun Kelly anyways. A girl says "I have a feeling he's our age so maybe he'll let us be groupies when he goes on tour." I say "I'll rap it because I'm not gonna be here tomorrow and I don't wanna take the test." This should be easy, sure it's been a few years but hey, why not?

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