Kell's POV
We go out in Jeffrees driveway and we literally have Travis sit on the hood of a Rolls Royce for our photo shoot. We laugh and Dahlia says "slay" and we laugh even more. I say "I'm gonna put these pictures in the studio, I'll frame them." We laugh and Jeffree says "beautiful." We take pictures for a little bit and we go to get everything off of him, it takes about an hour. We laugh and Travis says "ok, I have to go work for a little while, you guys are hanging out, someone wants to get in the studio with me. Just text me when you want to leave and I'll take a break." We nod and I say "bye, Trav!" He says "bye" and he leaves. Jeffree says "man, I thought I was busy" chuckling. Jeffree says "what if we do your makeup first then we go get food and do a mukbang?" We all nod and I say "yes, lets do it." We laugh and we sit down in front of the camera. Jeffree does his intro then turns to us saying "what are we thinking for this beautiful face?" Ashley says "all colors work well on his face except warm tones. Thats my research. Orange and yellow look weird but literally everything else looks good." Jeffree laughs saying "ok, work, so we can do like a rainbow of everything. Perfect!" We chuckle and Ashley says "what are we even doing?" We laugh and I say "no idea" and Jeffree says "who has a fucking clue, I feel high as shit I'm not even high" and we laugh. I say "mmmm, thats fun" chuckling. Jeffree says "its so disappointing though, feeling high then it doesn't last, just sucks." I say "yeah, of course it does." Jeffree says "what do we want for food after this?" Dahlia says "I low key want Macdonald's." Ashley says "me too, that sounds good." I say "I'll eat anything." We laugh and Jeffree says "I love Macdonald's so much. I don't go there enough." I say "I've been decent about eating and shit but not so much these past few weeks. Travis made me go to crossroads recently and its so good." Jeffree says "what kind of food is it?" I say "its vegan food and its so fucking good. I'm not vegan and I'd go vegan if I was eating like that everyday." Jeffree says "I'm gonna have to try it. So, is like anyone vegan, vegetarian, tell me about food." We laugh and Alabama says "I'm vegan when I'm just at home or at school but when I'm just hanging out like this I'll eat anything. I'm vegan most of the time" and we laugh. Dahlia says "I'm on the seafood diet, I see it, I eat it" and we laugh. I say "thats the worse joke like ever, why?" We laugh and Ashley says "I tried being vegan but I missed bacon so, it didn't last very long." I say "I don't know how Travis does it like he's vegan and has been vegaterian since he was like 13 or some shit. Like how?!" Jeffree says "gurl, who knows. He's a wizard." We laugh and I say "I think he might be. Hey whats up you guys, yes" doing the Shane Dawson thing. We laugh and Jeffree says "yassss" and Ashley holds my hand. Jeffree says "were gonna give you a big winged liner because why not?" We chuckle and I say "I have no problem with that." Ashley says "what foundation are you using its nice?" Jeffree says "I'm using a Fenty foundation thats almost white." We laugh and I say "nice. Love being a ghost." We laugh and Jeffree says "you aren't as white as me, its hard to find a foundation thats pretty much white" chuckling. I say "I don't think I could do this everyday, I don't know how you wear it everyday." Jeffree says "gurl I don't, I do when I'll probably take most of my makeup off like after this" chuckling. I say "I feel like it would just destroy your skin." Jeffree says "it can make it irritated and dry sometimes but not like infected irritated ya know? Everyones skin needs a break if you do makeup. Don't wear it 24/7 people. When you're at home don't wear it if you don't need to because for people with sensitive skin its interesting thinking about skin but weird at the same time" and we chuckle. I say "I'm tired" and we laugh. Jeffree says "were using Shane and my palette conspiracy because I really wanna use that hot pink on you" and I say "woohoo." Jeffree says "you're kind of breaking gender stereotypes like all the time and I find it amazing. You're wearing pearls, pink, and its amazing." I say "people are just so insecure about their masculinity its the dumbest thing I've ever heard." Jeffree says "you're 17 and I'm not sure but I think of you as someone who's really masculine and you being not afraid to wear pink and glitter and makeup and you paint your nails, they're very colorful too, is just so bizarre but its so amazing at the same time." I say "thank you! I think its just dumb at this point for people to shelter their masculinity so much, its just so unnecessary. People are still like eww pink like all men were in like 5th grade. Ew only girls wear pink right? Most were all like that, I was but just be you, don't be insecure about a color. It sounds so dumb right? You're afraid of a color, that sounds so dumb, right?" Jeffree says "but its exactly what it is. Ladies, what do we think?" Alabama says "well, in the end it comes down to sexuality then to masculinity right?" Ashley says "yes, it does in my opinion. I get it, if you aren't comfortable with your sexuality it comes down to do I look gay or no, I can't wear that, its like that for everyone. Man, woman, non binary, whoever. So, its just that." Jeffree says "hmm, you have a point, we love deep topics" chuckling. I say "I'm hungry." We laugh and Jeffree says "what do I have to do to joking your squad cause I love your vibe." We laugh and I say "inauguration into the cult. Hmmm, theres no official joining, were just weird." We laugh and Ashley says "I don't know" and we laugh. I yawn and Jeffree says "I'm doing your eyebrows, I'm doing this in a weird order" laughing. I say "oh well" and we chuckle.

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