Kell's POV
My alarm goes off at 5 in the morning and I groan saying "no" and Ashley cuddles into me. Ashley mumbles "I wanna come with you." I say "you can if you want, princess" kissing him. Ashley mumbles "ok, I'm gonna come with you" wrapping his arms around me. I mumble "Megan loves you already ya know." Ashley says "were you talking about me?" I say "yeah, I'm always talking about you" kissing him. He blushes and I mumble "you're cute." My mom left early for work. I hear someone come into my house saying "come on, Kells! Bring pretty boy if you want!" Ashley mumbles "I've known you for 2 days and Travis Barker knows about my existence?" I say "yes, get dressed." He kisses me and I shower then I get dressed. Ashley kisses me and I put my leather jacket on and he steals a bandana from me" folding and tying it around his head. Ashley puts on his bomber jacket and I say "you look cute" and he kisses me. I smile and he puts a lollipop in his mouth and I say "how do you always have those?" Ashley says "I like them enough to remember them" smiling. I chuckle saying "stop seducing me with lollipops, I swear to god." Ashley says "mmm, only if I get bored" and we go to the kitchen. Travis says "you are so slow sometimes, Kells." Ashley says "yeah, you're slow." I say "woah, thanks for attacking me guys." Ashley puts his glasses on saying "whoops?" Travis chuckles saying "I think I like this one." I say "mmm, I like that one too." Ashley rolls his eyes, blushing. We go to Travis' car and Alabama is in the front seat. I say "Miss. Barker, you're making me sit in the back?" Alabama says "yes, sir. Hi, Ashley." Ashley says "whats up?" Alabama says "getting lipstick in my clear lipgloss. That was a problem this morning." Ashley says "that sucks, I hate it when that happens." Alabama says "or when you over draw a little too much with red lipstick." Ashley says "oh my god, I hate it when that happens especially when your foundation looks so good then your red lipstick gets in the way. Its a whole ordeal really." I say "what are you guys talking about?" Travis says "they're talking about makeup obviously." I say "why are you bullying me?" Travis says "well, I'm not going to bully my kid and I'm not going to bully Ashley so you're the only option." Alabama says "hah!" I say "shhh" and we chuckle. We get to this big house and I say "you making me a pornstar, Trav?" Travis says "maybe some day." We laugh and we go in and here people ordering people around. Alabama says "lets go look around" and we go all the way up the stairs to find Megan laying on a bed with a camera crew. I say "is Travis making us pornstars?" Megan says "no, I think were pretending to be a couple but I do weird shit to you." I laugh saying "great" and she gets up saying "you're Ashley?" Ashley nods and Megan says "you're the cutest and were going to be besties." I say "I thought we were besties?" Megan says "well, I can't talk trash to you about you now can I?" I say "you have a point" yawning. We go out to this balcony thing and they have a full set up for me. I say "hello" into the microphone and I say "damn, I'm not plugged in." Ashley says "thats probably for a reason." I say "yeah, probably." We get ready to start filming and I say "so, were basically doing everything but making a full move?" We all laugh and the director says "pretty much" chuckling. I say "got it" yawning. We get to filming and we get to doing the bathtub scene. I sit in the bathtub saying "toaster bath me, daddy." We laugh and half of the crew dies laughing. Megan sits against the bathtub wall saying "why don't I hair dryer bath you instead?" We laugh and I say "deal" and the director shouts directions then he starts filming.
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I say "what do we wanna do?" Ashley leans against me, shrugging. Alabama, Ashley, Megan, and I go out for lunch because were hungry. Alabama says "I am fully set on eating a salad. I don't know why but I want salad." We laugh and I say "I'm tired." Megan says "I've been on set since like 5." I say "I woke up at 5 because Trav told me to be ready by 7 but no, I woke up then he came in my house screaming at me." Ashley says "it wasn't too fun." Alabama says "dad didn't let me come up and scare you so it was the only option." I say "he probably didn't let you because out of reflexes I would've hit you." We chuckle and I say "your dad is smart sometimes." Megan says "what are the other times?" I laugh saying "like us recording all day after school, like all night, then me going to school the next day when I have 2 tests. I did really well on those actually. Welcome to making Hotel Diablo where we stayed up for a few days straight me drinking energy drinks and Travis some how being awake by himself" and we chuckle. I say "they were literally just to stay awake, I don't even like energy drinks" chuckling. We laugh and we get to the cafe thing Megan said she wants to show us, we get our food, and we eat outside. Megan says "maybe they're making us do a sex tape." I laugh saying "no they aren't. Why would the be having us keep clothes on 90 percent of the time?" We laugh and Ashley rests his head on my shoulder. Ashley says "porn sets don't look like that." I say "and you know this because?" He says "was on a set for it once, it was weird. Most things are closed off except one bedroom and all the bathrooms and most of the people walking are in lingerie or completely stripped. Its a long story of how I got there." We chuckle and Megan says "so you're gonna be out of school all week, boy." I say "not you too!" We laugh and Megan says "I like calling you boy because it just works." I say "its not like I get a break though, I'm doing this the rest of the week." Megan says "but this is fun and I've heard about the next videos, I think you'll have a lot of fun." I say "I'm going to bed early so it will be fun for everyone."

Jawbreaker, He Tastes Like Candy, Star Chaser. [MGK] {BXB}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora