Kell's POV
We talk until girls start wanting to do Kareoke. They're a little bit drunk so this is going to be interesting. Ashley draws shapes on my hand saying "you're cute" quietly. I bite my lip and I mumble "so are you." Travis says "you should go, Kells." Everyone cheers and I chuckle saying "ok" and I go up onto the stage, standing in front of the mic. I say "what should I sing?" A guy says "do Jawbreaker!" A few agree and I say "why not? This ones titled" and I start singing. I look at Ashley because why would I look at anyone else singing this song? He blushes, looking down, making me chuckle as I sing. He sits on the bar just watching me and when I finish the song everyone cheers. A bartender shows up and everyone gets even more excited because they can have fancy mixed drinks now. Everyones kind of sober now and now they want more but mixed drinks are light so not to worry too much. The bartender starts flirting with my official unofficial boyfriend and Travis mumbles "don't go mental on this guy unless necessary." I nod and when this guy casually touches Ashley as he's making drinks I say "hey! What are you doing?" The bartender pretends to not notice and keeps touching him. I raise an eyebrow and Ashley attempts to move away and the guy doesn't let him move. I mumble "thats it" going over and jumping over the bar. I say "whats your deal?" The bartender says "whats your deal?" I say "you touching him, thats my deal" pushing him away from Ashley. He says "I wasn't doing anything to him!" I say "ok" sarcastically. I say "I fucking saw you, don't bullshit me." The guy says "you're just a kid, you can't do anything." I say "I'm a kid that'll kick your fucking ass if you touch him again, got it?" He touches Ashley again and I say "hands off before you're in your fucking grave." He says "fine" and starts making drinks for everyone else. I leave from behind the bar and I stand in front of Ashley. He moves away and I put my hand on his cheek softly mumbling "it's just me, princess." A girl says "dude, not cool" to the bartender. Ashley pushes my hand away and he mumbles" I don't like your hand there" shifting away from me. I mumble "lets go to the hallway, ok?" He nods, grabbing my hand loosely and we walk out. He squeezes my hand tightly and slides down the wall. I sit in front of him mumbling "what did he do to you?" Ashley mumbles "he wouldn't stop touching me" holding my hands. I say "what can I do to help you, princess?" He mumbles "can I have a kiss?" I smile saying "of course you can, princess." I lean forward to kiss him and he flinches slightly and I mumble "remember its just me, princess." He moves his hand to my hair then relaxes against me. Probably helping him remember its me. I mumble "you taste good. You feel alright?" He mumbles "I think so, still a little shaky." I smile and I say "thats ok, princess. You're so good, when we go back in there, what are we gonna do?" He cuddles against me saying "I'm staying with you." I chuckle saying "ok, you ready?" He bites his lip and we stand up. I push him against the wall gently and he tenses up. I kiss his palm saying "just me, look at me" and he looks up. I smile, kissing him softly. Ashley moves his hands up to my hair and I smile mumbling "you're cute" against his lips. I rest my hands just below his hips, squeezing gently. He plays with my hair as he kisses me and he licks my lip. I smile, licking his lip, and I kiss his knuckles mumbling "you're my princess." Ashley blushes and we go back in. He keeps his hand on me in some way wether its holding my hand, leaning against me, running his hands over my arms, or keeping a finger in my belt loop. Its cute and I don't mind so whatever. They play a slow song and I mumble "come dance with me?" Ashley blushes and says "sure" and I grab his hand. He keeps his fingers in my belt loops and I put my hands on his upper thighs. Ashley moves his hand to my upper arm and I mumble "you're cute." He blushes and he mumbles "I'm gonna miss you." I mumble "I'm gonna miss you too, princess" pulling him closer to me. I have to fly to Ohio for the APMAS tonight and he's not allowed to go. I'm going alone so its going to be interesting. Travis says "hey, I have to go to a meeting, I'll see you when you get back from Ohio, ok?" I say "yup, I'll see you, Trav." He gives me his keys saying "if you crash my car you're paying for it." I say "I know" and he leaves. Ashley mumbles "what am I gonna do without you?" I smile saying "I don't know, what are you going to do?" Ashley leans his head on my chest saying "I might cry." I say "don't do that cause then I'll feel bad." The song ends and we go sit at the table in the corner together. I rest my hand on his thigh and I mumble "I'm gonna miss you." He smiles saying "I'm gonna miss you too" quietly. I mumble "I think you're cute." He blushes and I smile. Ashley mumbles "I think everyone is looking at us" putting his head down. I chuckle saying "they are just a bit" and we laugh. Ashley mumbles "what are you doing tomorrow?" I say "hanging out with people I'm friends with in Cleveland then the next day are the awards, then I fly home that morning." He mumbles "can you call me when you get there, please?" I say "of course, princess" and I hear a couple people aww and Ashley blushes even more than he normally does. Alabama and Dahlia come over and Dahlia says "were gonna go walk around for a little bit, if you wanna join us, let us know, if not, we'll call you when we get home and call us when you get home ok?" I nod saying "yes, hey, I'm leaving in a few hours, give me a hug." I stand up and I hug them. Alabama says "we'll see you later?" I say "yeah, tell me when you get home, I'm serious, ok?" They nod and I say "if you have a problem call me." They both nod and I say "ok, you may go." Dahlia says "we love you." I say "love you too" chuckling and they leave.

Jawbreaker, He Tastes Like Candy, Star Chaser. [MGK] {BXB}Where stories live. Discover now