Kell's POV
I say "can I make a phone call so we can get in?" Megan says "yeah. Imagine if I said no?" We laugh and I say "that would be terrible" and I call Travis. Travis says "yo?" I say "could you come unlock the studio for me?" He says "yeah, I'll be there in a minute." Megan says "what are we going to do?" I say "we could mess around and I want to figure out what to do with a song I wrote a few hours ago." She says "whats it about? If you don't mind me asking." I say "a boy that I like." Megan says "awww, cute." I chuckle and I say "I don't think he knows its about him but once he hears it he will." She says "thats so cute, I love it already" smiling. I chuckle saying "have you heard the song for the video we're doing tomorrow?" She says "I was told I'm not allowed to hear it yet." I chuckle saying "really? I'll let you listen to it." She says "yay!" Travis skateboards into the parking lot saying "here's the keys, boy." I chuckle saying "stop calling me boy." Travis says "nah, I'm good" chuckling. Travis says "don't mess with the drum kit, if you do, don't move any of the drums or I might kill you." I say "you got it, sir. Hey, can we record like all day day after tomorrow?" Travis says "I hate that, go away. Yeah, we can, like all the songs that aren't collabs?" I laugh saying "yeah, theres only 1 collab. Then maybe make a video for misery business? We could just do a thing in the studio, make it really simple, would take like 20 minutes." Travis says "it'll be a long day but yeah, lets do it." I say "I know, I'm ready for it." He says "me too, see you later, Kells" and he leaves. Megan says "you guys have a strange relationship." We laugh and I say "I know, he's my boss, friend, producer, dad when I'm being dumb or when I need advice, and my bully all at the same time." Megan says "so its bound to be weird?" We laugh and I say "a little, yeah" chuckling. I unlock the door to the studio and I say "welcome to where I am more than I am at my own home" and we go in. Megan says "I've never been in a production studio like this before, its really cool." I say "its very Travis and very laid back so its chill just to hang out here too." She says "it seems so chill like you smoke a bunch of weed and then you make the best album ever in this place. Thats what it feels like." I say "it is like that a lot of the times here" chuckling. We go into the room where Travis and I have been making all my albums. I say "all my albums have been recorded in this joint." She says "thats why this room smells like good cologne and not body odor." I laugh saying "you should smell the room that pretty much only Blink works in. They are good smelling dudes but they're normally in the studio for 3 day straight no shower so that room smells awful half the time" chuckling. We laugh and I start singing Jawbreaker because its all I can think of right now to sing. Well, I have a melody in my head now. Megan looks around the studio as I try to figure out the song so I can record this tomorrow. I sing the song as I switch between chords, trying to figure out what I want it to be. I find a chord progression and I sing over it and Megan says "that's the one, that's really good." I say "I really like it too." I grab my notebook I was writing I n earlier and Megan says "you have pretty hand writing." I say "thank you. Most of the time it's awful but this time it different I guess" chuckling. I finish writing the song and she says "how do you write songs so fast?" I say "I don't but this one just came naturally I guess." She says "you are in love and it's cute" sitting on the couch. I chuckle saying "tell me what you think" and I mess with the recording stuff so everything I'm doing in the recording booth comes through the speakers in the room. I say "yo yo yo" into the microphone. Megan laughs and I say "its working right?" She nods and I say "fabulous" and I plug my guitar into the amp, play a few chords. I then say "did that come through the speakers?" Megan nods and I say "beautiful" and I start Jawbreaker, figuring out the guitar in the second verse as I sing. I finish the song and I look up to see several people clapping in the room. I leave the booth and I say "what do you guys think?" Dom showed up in the room saying "that was awesome, I loved it." Megan says "that was awesome, now I can say I've experience someone writing a song." The Madden brothers showed up in the room and Joel says "man, that was fucking awesome, have you showed that to Travis yet?" I say "no, I wrote it today, all I just did, I did this afternoon." Joel says "we gotta get back to recording if we wanna get done by 5, we'll see you around, kid." I say "wait, you're making new music for Good Charlotte?!" Joel says "yeah, dude. Were also producing Waterparks at the moment too. Its getting confusing." I chuckle saying "I'm so ready for both albums, like super excited" and the Madden brother chuckle and they leave. Dom jumps on me saying "that was fuck awesome, mate!" I say "thank you! You ready to record this week?" He says "yes, we get to meet Bert and its gonna be beautiful." I say "oh, shit yeah! I forgot that Bert was gonna me on my song" and we start jumping around out of excitement. Megan says "wait, who's Bert?" I say "McCracken from The Used!?" She says "man, haven't heard of The Used in a while. Thats awesome!" I say "right?!" Dom says "I love The Used! I'm so excited!" I say "me too, I wanna touch Berts hair." Dom says "I wonder if he will let me kiss him?" We laugh and I say "tell me how it is because I'm sure he will." Dom says "you can watch" and Megan and I laugh. I say "Travis will probably be so over us" chuckling. Dom says "he already is. Anyways, I gotta get back to recording because my people are only in town for so long, ya know?" I say "totally. I'll see you in a few days, I'm excited to record with you again." I say "we need to do that more often, we have a lot of fun." We laugh and he says "right, ok, love you the most and I'll see you" leaving. Megan says "oh my god, I had a big crush on the Madden brothers a while back. That was the coolest thing ever!" I chuckle saying "they're so nice when I do see them."

Jawbreaker, He Tastes Like Candy, Star Chaser. [MGK] {BXB}Where stories live. Discover now