Class 1A x Reader

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!TW! Mentions of suicide, death, anxiety and panic attacks

You have been warned.

Y/n pov

I have been at UA for over a year and have grown close with a decent amount of people. I never really had any friends, I am a pretty quiet person.

Like many people I have a sad past. My dad left my mom, out of nowhere. That left me with my mom and older brother.

My brother is 4 years older than me and treated me as if I was a piece of glass, to the point he felt like I would shatter if even breathed. My brother was diagnosed with depression just as I started high school.

All I remember is coming home from UA, and walking into the living room seeing my brother, with a bottle of pills his hand. He seemed so lifeless. I felt like I couldn't breathe as my vision clouded form tears.

I recollected myself and grabbed my phone and dialed 911. The paramedics came and took him away, I obviously couldn't go with him, due to the fact I am not his legal guardian, or even a legal adult. But I also think I wouldn't be able to handle seeing his lifeless body lying there.

I sat on the living room couch trying to comprehend, what had just happened. I heard my mom enter. She noticed my distressed state and asked what happened. I told her and she immediately grabbed me and we swiftly went to the hospital.

It was a few hours later and I was asleep on my mom's shoulder as the doctor came out of the room my brother was in. He was pronounced dead.

All I remember is waking up the next morning, and having to face another day of school.

I entered class 1A and noticed I was the first one there. I went to my seat and laid my head on my desk. I hear footsteps, but I don't bother looking up.

I hear them grow closer, and feel a hand placed on my head. I look up and was met with a freckle faced boy. Izuku Midoriya, a good friend of mine. He noticed my state, blood shot eyes, bags under my eyes, and messy hair. He kneeled down to my level, not breaking eye contact. "What happened Y/n-chan?" He asks softly, while rubbing soft circles on my back. I explained to him what had happened, and broke down.

He hugged me, and I cried into his shoulder. I hear someone else enter.
"Good morni-Y/n?..what happened?" It was Kirishima. I watched as his shark tooth grin disappeared.

"Do you want me to tell him?" Izuku asked softly. I slowly nodded, still crying. Izuku walked over to him and explained. "Oh, Y/n I'm so sorry." I swear I saw him tear up. He approached and hugged me.

A while later, the rest of the class entered, most didn't really question what happened to me. I sit there waiting for Aizawa, trying to block out the world for a while.

Aizawa enters, coffee in hand. He glances at the class with tired eyes. "Alright class, quiet down..." He says tiredly. He begins the lesson. But I can't help but let my mind wander.

What if I were earlier?

Is this all my failt.?

Was he embarrassed of me?

My eyes water and I feel the room around me start to close in. My breath quickens. "Y/n....Y/n....Y/n.......Y/n!!!!" The ringing in my ear becomes unbearable. I cover my ears trying to block it out, my eyes are squeezed shut. My eyes shoot open. I come face to face with Aizawa looking me dead in the eye with worry.

"Are you okay, kid?" He says concerned. I get up and run out into the hall. I make it just outside the door, around the corner. I press my back to the wall and slowly slide down, putting my face in my hands and continuing to cry. I feel useless. Numb. Overwhelmed.

I feel a shadow grow over me, I gaze up to see Katsuki Bakugou. "You good, dumbass?" He grumbles. I shake my head. He sighs and sits down next to me. "What's wrong?" For once he sound like he actually cares. I fill him in.

I feel him put an arm around my shoulder and pull me towards him. I lay my head on his shoulder. He comforts me for awhile.

I then remember about class and get up. I wait for Katsuki to get up as well. And we walk back to class.

After more of the lesson. The bell rings startling me. I begin to pack my things up as students leave the class.

I hear Aizawa quickly clear his throat. "Y/n, can you come her for a minute, please?" He says exhausted. I walk over and stand infront of his desk. He looks and sees if the rest of the class has left.

"I heard about your brother, I'm sorry for your loss, kid." I tear up at the mention. We have a conversation, he tells me if there is anything I wan to talk about to see him. I nodded and left school. Finally, heading home.

To be continued.

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