Class 1A x Reader

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Part 2

!TW! Mention of death, suicide and blood.

More angst

It has been a month since my brother died. The class is currently doing some training, when we hear the school is under attack. But not just the school but the whole area.
I just need to know my mom is safe, that's all that matters to me currently.

We all rush inside, when I overhear that the heros need back up, but there aren't enough.

"I wish we didn't have to do this but, you guys are trained enough....we need you to go help those pros.." I hear Aizawa say with a look of worry in his eyes. We all nod and head for the entrance. I realize we really have no plan.

We all split up I run to the area of my house. Which is just around the corner of UA. I see that outside stands my mom. I look to where she is looking, and see a villain holding what looks like a clone of me, with a knife to my throat.

I run over. "MOM THAT'S NOT ME!!!!" I tell to her but she seems too overwhelmed to notice me. I see the villain cut my throat,as the clone me falls to the floor. This villain must have some sort of illusion quirk.

I see my mom fall to her knees with her mouth covered in complete shock. I see the villain grab her by the arm and pull her up. "Don't touch her." I threaten. He makes a sickly grin, pulling out his knife. "I thought I killed you, guess not." He cackles. His voice makes me shiver.

"Step. away. from. my. mother." I say, venom dripping from my tone. The villain grins wider, bringing the knife to my mother's neck. I feel my breath catch in my throat.

" Oh?...and what if I don't. Hero." He says mockingly. I use my quirk to try and disarm him, I manage to get him to drop his knife. He has my mother held by the throat, squeezing tightly. I begin to panic.

I suddenly lunge forward towards the villain, but stop suddenly. I can't move. My legs are frozen in spot. "Ah. Ah. Ah. And where do you think you're going? you're going to miss the show." He says, obviously taunting.

"Now, what would happen if I put a shiny bullet, right through your mother's skull, hm? He says. I watch in horror, making eye contact with my mom, who is clawing at the man's hands, struggling to breathe.

The man pulls out a gun. I panic. ".......g-g-go!.." I hear my mom croak. I shake my head. "Oh, this is too fun!" The man laughs, he cocks the gun. "You have five seconds to leave and tell no one about our meeting, or, you stay and watch you own mother die, so, which one will it be?" He smirks. "Oh, wait, that's right, how silly of me, you can't move, number two it is then." He laughs and press the rip of the gun at my mother's head.







The trigger is pulled and my mother falls to the ground, lifelessly. The villain laughs. "My that was fun, but I better go now, it was nice meeting you. Tah Tah." He swirls his cape and disappears. I am unfrozen. I run to my mother's lifeless body and shake her shoulder.

"Mom?...mommy!!?! wake up please!!!" I cry leaning down and hugging her. I hear running behind me. I turn around, and see Aizawa. He looks at me and my mother shocked.

I sob, looking down at my mother. I feel Aizawa kneel down and place a hand on my shoulder. He says something into his phone. "You shouldn't be looking at this. Let's step back and let the paramedics do their job." I hear sirens in the distance. Aizawa offers his hand. I take it and we walk a few paces back from the scene.

I glance back to see the medics placing my mom on a stretcher. I feel more tears flow down my already stained cheeks.

We walk back into the school after things have cleared up. I go to the class to get my stuff. I start to think. Where am I gonna live? I have no family anywhere near by.

I remember we are supposed to move into the dorms soon. But even then I have no legal guardian. I can't take care of myself all alone. My thinking blocked world out, so I didn't hear the person who walked up behind me. "Hey." Their voice startles me, I turn around to see Aizawa. "Long time, no see." He jokes, but I can't laugh. Not now.

"Where do you plan to live?" He asks, I shrug. "Any family near by?" He questions. I shake my head. We sit in comfortable silence for a minute. I can tell he's thinking.

"I'll take you in." He says like it is no big deal. I am shocked by this sudden statement. "Are you sure?" He nods.

That statement he said changed my life permanently.

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