~their favourite thing to do with you during the holidays~

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Izuku Midoriya

He loves decorating the tree with you, he loves how excited you get while decorating it. And afterward, when it is done, he loves cuddling with you and just watching the tree light up, with you in his arms.

Katsuki Bakugou

He enjoys watching Christmas movies with you, especially like Krampus and stuff like that, because this man lives horror movies and especially watching them with you, if you get scared he will be there for you. If not and your like me and laugh at how terrible some of them are, he will just laugh with you.

Shouto Todoroki

He likes snuggling you while drinking hot chocolate by a cozy fire. And he loves spending his dad's money on a bunch of gifts for you.

Tenya Iida

He is the type of guy who always has a tradition. Whether that be opening one present on Christmas Eve, or homemade hot chocolate, or decorating the tree and house together, whatever it is, he will do it and be happy, as long as it's with you.

Hanta Sero

He loves decorating gingerbread houses with you. He loves having a decorate-off with you, and then when you both are done, you compare whose is better. Let's just say you always win, which makes him pout, but he still loves you.

Eijiro Kirishima

He loves seeing your reaction to the gifts he gets you, he thinks it's manly to spoil his significant other, and he also enjoys the praise he gets from you receiving the gifts.

Denki Kaminari

He loves holiday baking with you, usually the kitchen is a mess afterwards from all the flour he threw at you, which you retaliated and threw some back, which turned into a full blown war. Let's just say more time was spent cleaning than baking.

Tamaki Amajiki

He loves seeing the lights with you, just walking around or driving by to see the lights. He loves how excited you get when you see how intricate some of the houses are.

Mirio Togata

He is the kind of guy two get you both matching ugly sweaters. You would both wear them and would win literally any competition there ever was with your sweaters.

Kiyoka Jirou

She is obviously a sucker for Christmas music, some days you both just spend jamming out around the house singing and dancing goofily, while giggling with each other.

Mina Ashido

She loves secret Santa, especially if she gets your name, every year during the holidays the class plays a mix between secret Santa and a white elephant. She always ends up getting way too competitive when it comes to the white elephant part, but she loves being around you and making you laugh.

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